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The Law Profession on Trial: Hallmarks of a Profession

Essay Instructions:

What is the sociological definition of a profession? What are the four hallmarks of a profession? Now consider, how often do you see advertisements for professions? What about the law profession in particular? Do commercials influence your opinion of this profession? What are the common messages in these commercials? 
The future of the law profession is on trial and you are the judge. First, act as the prosecuting attorney and present evidence from your analysis of the 10 online advertisements for attorneys that the legal profession is de-professionalizing. Then present the defense’s case using the NPR broadcast as evidence. As judge, make a final ruling on your classmates’ presentations, they will rule on your case. You may appeal.
•Listen: NPR: Legal Profession goes Global 
•Read Hodson and Sullivan Chapters 11 & 12

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professions and Professionals
Institutional Affiliation Professions and Professionals
Definition of a Profession
A profession in the sociological perspective is defined as an occupation based on a specific knowledge mastered, which in turn distinguishes the various kinds of occupations. Four hallmarks help in understanding professions (Hodson & Sullivan, 2012).
Hallmarks of a profession
Specialized knowledge. The type of knowledge learned, identifies one profession from another. An ordinary person easily understands common knowledge, whereas professionals alone understand complex or specific knowledge (Hodson & Sullivan, 2012).
Autonomy. Refers to the tendency of a professional to be self-reliant in deciding on the required knowledge to solve a particular problem. Ordinary people trust the professional’s judgment, hence requiring them to be accountable in their undertakings (Hodson & Sullivan, 2012).
Authority. Due to the mastery of knowledge pertaining a particular subject, they exercise the authority to advise clients on how to handle situations under their jurisdiction (Hodson & Sullivan, 2012).
Altruism. Refers to the ability of professionals to use their knowledge for the good of the public, and guided by the codes and ethics binding them (Hodson & Sullivan, 2012).
Advertisements and Professions
Advertisements play a great role in the understanding of a particular profession. Repeated exposures by the media about a particular profession and their roles, whether right or wrong makes people bel...
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