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Questions: What Intervention Might you Make with SusAnne?

Essay Instructions:

one sources for the work book of the 22 questions do not make answers to long paper 500 words the question 5-1 in text citation and reference make about the other 50 words need in 10 days

Icon 11: Question 2 (p. 43)

What intervention might you make with SusAnne, and what would you most hope to accomplish with it?

Icon 12: Question 1 (p. 45)

If Andrew declared he was tired of feeling locked up and wanted to be different, how would you pursue work with him?

Icon 13: Questions 2-4 (pp. 46-47)

Of the comments made above by SusAnne, Jackie, Jacqueline, and James, which one of them most catches your interest and why? What would you say to this person?

In the closing minutes of a group, a member says she feels cut off by you. What would you say or do?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Segment 1-3 22 questions
Segment 1-3 22 questions
Icon 1 Questions 3 and 4.
James says "I feel like an outsider." because he has an opinion that his cultural difference separates him from the rest. He is from Chicano, so he is most likely to be of Mexican origin.
Jacqueline says "she feels stupid when she ramble." The best advice for her in the first session is to tell her to be more confident in herself. She should put herself first and love herself more (Group in Action: Evolution and Challenges, 2014).
Icon 2. Question 3.
The fear I would have in the first meeting as a member is if the other members would accept me. Getting to know them first would help break the ice (Group in Action: Evolution and Challenges, 2014).
Icon 3 Questions 1 and 3.
What would make me feel comfortable enough to talk about myself is having other members open up and sharing more on a personal level.
In addressing a member who is quiet because of her culture restriction. I would encourage them to open up as the group requires everyone’s contribution and it is their right to express themselves without any fear.
Icon 4 Questions 2 and 3.
James’s fears of proving himself emanates from his ethnic background. He feels like he belongs to a minority community that has petite to offer.
Casey’s move to rehearse every time to get things right shows that she is a perfectionist. She also fears to get backlash from others, and she worries a lot about making a good impression on others.
Icon 5 Questions 1 and 3.
The purpose of engaging group members in role-playing is to get them to know each other and to release tension in their early sessions. Role-playing creates a neutral platform where team members can interact easily and establish a basis for the foundation of trust towards each other before commencing on other meetings.
The cultural and gender factors to consider in setting up a role-playing include the way they participate in interaction; can they talk without being addressed first? Does their culture accept their gender to take part in the role you want them to play?
Icon 6 Questions 1 and 2.
Contracts are important because they clearly set out the rules and conditions that one is obligated to. I would use contracts to ensure that people perform the duties assigned to them. Contracts also guarantee their privacy protection. I would encourage people that when signing contracts, they should have a clear understanding of the clauses in it.
I would be open towards the drafting of a contract since I am aware of the benefits of having one. Contracts solely protect the privacy of the participants.
Icon 7 Questions. 1 and 2.
From observing members talking to others, one sees social cues like gestures and facial expression from them (Group in Action: Evolution and Challenges, 2014).
As a leader the cultural factors to consider before asking members to speak directly include choosing topics that are culturally comfortable for both participants.
Icon 8 Questions 1and 1.
The therapeutic value of making eye contact with a group member with the problem is that it helps to communicate their feelings and thoughts. It also makes them feel your concentration and dedication of wanting to help them.
Jyl cries and feels exposed because she can relate Andrews’s story as it is hers. It seems like Andrew has presented her story through his.
Icon 9 Questions 1 and 3.
The way I would deal with conflict at the personal level will hinder the way I deal with conflicts a...
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