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HLS 6000 DF6: Disaster Management and Security Intelligence, Impact of the Hurricane Katrina on Disaster Management

Essay Instructions:

William Spear 
NHHS and FBI/CIA Intelligence Perspective
1) The aftermath of hurricane Katrina contributed to the most significant changes to our homeland security preparation compared to other threats to national health. The crippling issues that were demonstrated at both the response of federal and local authorities demonstrated a need for change in disaster response. A lack of preparation, bureaucratic failures, and even misunderstandings of federalism escalated the problems occurring in New Orleans rather than resolving them. Today FEMA makes note of its institutional ability to "surge resources to states, tribes and territories ahead of a disaster should the capacity of states, tribes or territories become overwhelmed" that the organization gained through statutory authority in 2005 (FEMA). The dearth of resources and the plan through which to distribute them was a marked failure of our nations emergency response that can be brought to memory in the evacuation failures following the hurricane. The inability to provide an adequate number of buses, develop an evacuation route, or bring additional buses into the city once they where needed, resulted in the Superdome fiasco and the needless deaths of at risk individuals. Perhaps equally important is the inefficiencies that intergovernmental authority created. The DHS's National Response Plan had established general guidelines,but not properly outlined them in order to account for overlapping or abutting authority. For example three different "operational commands" were created under this plan at the federal level, the Joint Field Office and Federal Coordination Officer (FCO), the principal Federal Official (PFO) and the Joint Task Force Katrina (JTFK). These overlapping authorities clashed with local and federal protocols resulting in a "failure to established unified command...duplication of effort in some neighborhoods, and a lack of attention to others" (Moynihan 5).
2) Especially in cases of national security I believe the FBI's use of intelligence as evidence for criminal proceedings must be reconciled with the CIA's view that intelligence is an asset to inform tangible decision making. Inter-agency coordination in such cases is necessary for the detection and elimination of terrorist threats. Any information that could be valuable to a criminal trial in cases of terrorism should take a backseat to the use of intelligence for generating defense policy and the safety of the American people. It is foolish to prioritize th value of intelligence in criminal proceedings over defense policy. This issue is particularly relevant in the case of Osama Bin Laden. For individuals who pose such a high level security risk intelligence should be viewed as a tool for detection, capture and threat elimination. This would enable greater inter agency sharing and better informed defense policies.
Kwity Pamo 
Week 6 Discussion
For our Homeland Security to reach any standard of preparedness at this time, Hurricane Katrina has the most significant affect on the Homeland Security. Before Hurricane Katrina, there were layers of bureaucracy and unbelievable poor communication among first responders. As the National Incident Commander pointed out during the deepwater oil spill: how can management and leadership operate when authority and competence and capability are scattered across various public and private entities? (www(dot)hlswatch(dot)com). The layers of bureaucracy and the mistrust and poor communication during Hurricane Katrina, foster integrated and scalable disaster and health care delivery system. The experience learned from Katrina affected the Ebola outcome. We saw the timely health care delivery during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. 
I think that the CIA and FBI position can be reconciled. From what are understood from the reading in the Looming Tower is the layer of bureaucracy I mention earlier above. The unparalleled and uncollaborative layers that were created between law enforcement and intelligent departments in the past did not help. Although, CIA and FBI has different mission, but in reality one goal: to keep America safe. So, I don’t see any reason for not reconciling. It may not be that the both should share all information, but a critical one. From the reading, it is clear that both agencies refusal to share critical information and work together led to 911. 
Wright, Lawrence (2007). The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disaster Management and Security Intelligence
Institutional Affiliation
Disaster Management and Security Intelligence
Impact of the Hurricane Katrina on Disaster Management
The occurrence of Hurricane Katrina was noted as the most destructive natural phenomena in the history of the United States (Moynihan1, 2012). The disaster spawned a human tragedy with over thirty-four thousand square miles of land laid to waste, and at least one thousand five hundred people died. The tragedy took longer to control contrary to the expectation. The government was to blame for the exacerbation due to their failure plan, make proper preparations and respond to the massive storm. After the catastrophe, restructuring of the responsible government departments was a necessity. The provision of additional authorities to the FEMA by the Congress has enhanced its effectiveness and efficiency in handling emergencies (FEMA, 2015). The most significant improvement was the enactment of the post-Katrina emergency Act that gave FEMA proper guidelines and missions in dealing with catastrophes to avoid the previous conflicting commands and roles with other departments.
Reconciling FBI and CIA Information
Considering the differing functions of the CIA and the FBI, it is impossible for the information gathered by the two security agencies to be reconciled. The criminal investigation department being an intelligence unit with most of its operations in foreign countries differs from the FBI, whose mandate is to enforce law and order within the country (Carter, 2009). The thou...
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