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Essay Instructions:
Write an essay of at least 300 words on each of the prompts below. Essays should not be a simple rehashing of the text and/or lecture, rather incorporate articles/Web sites and your insights, reflections, and evidentiary support. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required. 1) Imagine you are a health psychologist working with patients dealing with chronic illness. What factors contribute to a patient's ability to cope with illness? In what ways could you as a health psychologist help the patient and his/her family to successfully cope with chronic illness? 2) Select a serious chronic illness to analyze (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, HIV, etc.). What are the risk factors for your chosen illness? Which of these factors include behavioral components? Why do individuals still continue to engage in these practices even though they know the risks? What can health psychologists do to help people reduce their risk? 3) Discuss the various methods of complementary and alternative therapies. Which are based on actual researched health principles? Who is likely to use each method and why? Based on the research and your own experiences, do you believe CAM methods should be encouraged? Please make sure that there are three references with each essay and make sure that it is reference throughout the paper. Your writers are excellence I know the paper will be a great one. Thank You Gloria Moore
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Qsn 1
There are several factors that contribute to a patient`s ability to cope with illness. Most of the factors that contribute to a patient`s ability to cope with illness are as a result of the patient`s efforts which are in most cases instigated by improved educational level/awareness of the patient regarding the illness. In order to satisfactorily handle a given illness, the patient has to be aware of the causes of that particular illness and the available control measures in order to understand and handle the illness appropriately. There are some people who become ill more often than others. The rate at which people get ill is highly affected by the environmental conditions, physiological conditions of the patient and behavioral properties of the patient. There are several other factors that are related to the development of illness. They include but not limited to stress, diet, social support and coping style.
Stress is one of the top causes of the top chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Stress refers to a process whereby the environmental demands pulls the adaptive capacity of the patient thus causing psychological and biological changes that can make an individual to become ill (Cohen et. al., 1995). There are several factors/circumstances that result into stress. These factors are called stressors (Rubin, Paplau, & Salovey, 1993). There are very many events that can be grouped as stressors. They include but not limited to; disasters, life crises, life changes, and daily hassles (Rubin, Paplau, & Salovey, 1993). There are some chronic diseases that are made worse by the presence of stress. Other illnesses like HIV/AIDS can be very severe if the patient is subjected to stress (Pruessner et al., 1991). A patient should therefore device ways of dealing with stress in order to manage the illness properly. In this study, we considered a young man suffering HIV/AIDS. After carrying out a thorough analysis and conducting an interview with the patient, we established that the patient has been living with this disease for the last three years and his response to drugs has not been very encouraging. We also sought to establish some of the factors that could lead to the poor response on the drugs. In order to help the patient cope with the illness, the patient was advised to shy away from thinking about the effects of his illness as this results into stress which has dire consequences.
Qsn 2
In this section we are going to analyze HIV/AIDS. This is a chronic disease which has no cure. The disease is caused by getting involved in irresponsible sexual behaviors. These include having multiple partners and then proceeding to have unprotected sex with them. Once a person engages in unprotected sex with an infected partner, such a person is most likely going to get infected too. Most people are aware of the HIV/AIDS and the stigma associated with it. However, they have been ignorant of the effects and the consequences and instead continue to get involved in such irresponsible acts (Mills & Ernst, 2005).
Since AIDS is a non-curable disease, the patient is therefore advised to stick on the ARV drugs and observe the right diet as proposed by the health professionals (Kleeberger, 2001). If all these are taken into consideration, then the patient`s condition is likely to improve further. Avoiding...
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