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Social Sciences is the Relative Importance of Heredity and Environment

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(May 1, 2012)
Social Sciences is the Relative Importance of Heredity and Environment
There is a personality is to some extent largely determined by the hereditary environment, this are aspects that are established from as early as conception. A baby at conception is learning consciously while in the womb but on birth, the traits are adopted from the personalities of others. Interaction with nature, with reference to genes and heredity as well as nurture is concerned with environmental, social and psychological factors. Research has proven that there is personalities are related to genetics and that a disorder such as Downs’s syndrome, William syndrome from one parent can be passed down to the children (Blalock, 1991).
The Marxist pseudo-genetic theories which date back to the 1860s were such that it was seen that they were rooted right from the genetic build of the Soviet Union which also showed that the various genetic nature could as well distinguish the various aspects of an organism can be traced to their general behavior influenced by different environments.
Social Darwinism which is a theory that has developed from the competition and struggle to survive is a characteristic of the human race. Loyalty and altruism are aspects that have developed in the various groups as survival tactics for the lineage passed down to generations. All the theories that explain the evolution of man have it that there was a more pronounced element of a new gene forming and being passed down from one evolution to another to the point where we stand as Homo sapiens (Blalock, 1964). The main aspects that the sociologists try to get are those of reform based on the equalitarian theories and the ideas that are formed about it leading to the different political ideas such as communism.
The Marxist biology was that it was the main tool used to bring about capitalism and the bourgeoisie who believed in might for their own good. They were strong believers in the non existence of natural selection which was meant to be a balance of life and instead came up with birth control for a class of people who would only have themselves to blame for not handling their own population. It would also be used in controlling an inheritable trait that would not be good for a capitalist society such as that of theft (Breckler, 1990). Nature and nurture are the very same aspects that make human beings so diversified and thus cannot be separated.
For example families that are obese and have adopted a child, there is a high percentage that based on the family environment that they are brought up in; they may end up being obese. The family environment can bring about aspects that necessarily do not have to be inherited based on such aspects as child rearing techniques and the parenting system that is used. The biological children of the obese parents will however still have high chances of being obese. Environmental control will have very minimal effect of the obesity genes this means that an environmental effect is not easy to avoid (Jamieson, 1948). The environment in terms of the foods can be used as a factor that can make even persons who do not have the genes to gain weight while a child from an obese parent and brought up in a place where they do not access too much food then they can end up being normal size.
Nature versus nurture
This is a debate that is based on the personal experiences versus the innate/inborn qualities that cause the difference in the behavioral and physical differences. It is still an issue to date as many people do not understand the interrelation between the two. This is mostly in relation to behavior of person raised in environments of wealth, education, social exposure in comparison to person who have struggle to gain the same and or the poor describing how their various personalities are passed down to their children. John Locke came up with they believe that behavior is developed from the environment in which a person is structured.
The scientific approach aims at establishing the portions of both nature and nurture that affect the human population. Heritability means that there is variation between the character and genetics the study twins is one way of establishing t...
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