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Muslim perspective,on justice, peace, diversity and good goverment

Essay Instructions:
This is a course name: Muslim perspective, on Justice,peace, diversity, and good goverment.Also this is the topic. I need 4 pages essay.I have to write an essay one of specific political islamic movement.You can chose any muslim country.You have to be very specific.So you have to find something and it's only 4 pages What's the good goverment?Who do they define?how do they etc. (Theory vs practice)???i'm not sure what is this. Sorry if i'm not clear I just got some hand writting paper and it's very difficult to read it.And I can not reach the guy.I hope it is enough for you if not please let me know.If you have any question don't hasitate to ask. Somebody writting about Iran,Bosnia,or Somalian justice, The teacher told something about Arab Spring. So you can choose any Islam country. If you have some idea please let me know.I have no syllabus for this course because they just putting together at the moment.I need to know what country you choose next course will be on Tuesday so if you have any question let me know. I can ask the prof. I need this essay by not later then next Thursday (may 17th)morning. Thanks
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Muslim Perspective on Good Governance
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The Islamic government has its basis in adherence to Islamic law. The government rule requires those holding posts to have knowledge of the Qur`an. The rulers of a country should "surpass all others in knowledge" of Islamic law, with proved administrative ability. According to Khomeini, (1981 p. 56} the Islamic law has its divine command with authority over any Islamic government. All leaders, whether at individual or group level, follows their predecessor, Prophet Muhammad in matters of law, and this is a declaration forever.
Good governance has a wide and complex meaning as its description may vary among different people in their countries. Good governance is thus what satisfies the citizens of a country in the governance. Governance is a factor of cultural practices among various groups, religions, ethnicities and communities across the world. Therefore, good governance can be generalized as a system of governance that consists of justice, diversity and peace.
Any group of people in all aspects of association has a culture that rules for peace and the interests of the people. This follows it that any other group that abandons the interest of the people for evil, and neglects wisdom in acceptance of unrest has no relation whatsoever with good governance. Ideologies that relate to violence and war can never be accepted by the people who appreciate peace, justice and diversity. This takes into account of changes in time and place with corresponding changes in the humans themselves.
Regardless of the religion, good governance has motives characterized by honesty and firm stand for the opinions of the people. The interests belong to people at a time, hence priority on contemporary issues in governance. In his Towards a Rational Political Participation, Al-Qaradawi (2005), states the ideologies that the Islamic religion perceives that contribute to governance among them.
There is "Imitational ideology" which seeks an answer to every ideological, political or legal problem. .........The Islamic Movement is likely not to have a rational political ground lest it overcomes the antagonistic ideologies together with its effects on the people and nurtures this new Fiqh (understanding): the Fiqh of approved practices, the Fiqh of goals, the Fiqh of balances and the Fiqh of priorities. (Al-Qaradawi, 2005: Retrieved from /IslamicBooks/priorities).
Muslim perspective on good governance has its politics framed in the religion. The religion confines public interests that should be addressed in good governance, with some obvious human development aspects neglected in preference for the religion. For instance, the belief in early Islamic religion limited a woman to her husband`s or father` house. She had no role in Islamic politics. In fact, others extended to denying a woman the right to vie for a political post or vote during elections. In their tradition, some Islamic groups had political regard of educating a woman as illegal. However, Al-Mazrui (1997) argues that the Islamic Movement does not just entail religious matters, neither is it merely a political movement. He describes Islamic Movement to be a civilization way that has culture varying among Muslim countries though animated by a common spirit far more humane than most Westerners realize.
Muslim perspective on justice, peace diversity and good governance can best be understo...
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