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Government in Our Daily Lives: Pollution in Milwaukee River

Essay Instructions:

Because I'm Chinese, so don't use too advanced vocabulary, don't let the professor see that it's not written by me, ask me to have uploaded it, and the regional words I hope you can write about the Milwaukee government, because I'm in Milwaukee, so I need to write is from Milwaukee

Fieldwork Assignment #1: Government in our daily lives

Overview: The purposes of this to get you thinking about federalism and how different levels of government are responsible for addressing different political issues 

Instructions: This assignment is due in the D2L dropbox by 11:59 pm on Friday, September 16. Please include your name on the assignment!

For this assignment, to earn full credit, you must answer all of the questions. Your responses must go beyond a general one sentence answer, using specific examples when appropriate.  I do not expect you to use outside sources for this assignment, but if you do, you must properly cite your sources. Failure to do so will mean a zero on the assignment. Your final submission for this assignment should be at least 1 full page (double spaced, 12pt font).

1. Scavenger Hunt. Walk or Drive around your town.  During your travels, identify five issues/places/areas that involve government regulation.  Do not cite the obvious –traffic lights, the police, the fire department, and ambulances. (15 pts)

For each issue/place/area, describe:

  • What level(s) of government are involved
  • What type of government regulation exists.

EXAMPLE 1:  The Medicine Shoppe in downtown Menomonie is a pharmacy.  The federal government has passed numerous regulations regarding the operation of a drug store.  The government mandates that certain prescription drugs, such as oxycontin, can only be dispensed in 30 day amounts, and that the prescription cannot be refilled until 30 days have passed.

EXAMPLE 2:  Each summer, many people go fishing on Lake Menomin. The state government has passed a regulation stating that individuals must purchase additional licensees to catch certain fish, such as trout.

2. Write a few sentences about the most interesting item you found in your scavenger hunt, and why you thought it was the most interesting. (5 pts)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pollution in Milwaukee River
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Pollution in Milwaukee River
Milwaukee river serves a wide range of populations within the region by providing water for various essential services. However, the diverse environmental pollution of the river has rendered it unhealthy for both man and plants. The river typically supplies water for irrigation and other agricultural practices. Several factories dispose of waste within the river. These practices have led to an increase in the rate of pollution that exerts a dynamic effect on man. Diverse parts of the stipulated river exhibit a high rate of decay that subjects it to low standards of quality. It fails to meet the required standards of water quality enacted by the law (Precario & Lane, 2020). Most of the pollution problems that have emerged from the land result from agrochemicals applications. The primary pollutants in the designated rivers are mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The level of government that is involved in the regulation of the stipulated issue is the federal government. The federal government majorly controls the nature of environmental conservation acts. The Milwaukee River's pollution falls under the federal government's control.
There are diverse government regulations that are involved in the control of the designated conditions. The environmental law act was established in 1970 and has been the primary regulatory law for ecological resources. The law has been applicable in the United States, especially the Milwaukee, Wisconsin state (McClary-Gutierrez et al., 2021). The environmental clean air act has accompanied the law, which protects the environment against air pollution. The AE 2.106/3:33/ law was enacted to prevent the challenge of the Milwaukee River that occurred initially within the United States. The act was introduced to initiate the aspect of the underlying state and citizens to maintain the safety of...
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