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Genetically Modified Organisms and Urban Farming — Can You Farm?

Essay Instructions:

You will visit the online interactive below and describe your experience. You can reflect and tell your peers how successful you think you are as a farmer or gardener. Then, you will discuss the current state of agriculture in your own community versus around the world. You will have an opportunity to defend or criticize current practices. You will review what genetically modified organism (GMO) technologies are available for agriculture and why GMOs exist. You will then indicate whether you consume GMOs or follow the non-GMO movement and support your answer with an article you have found. Next you will indicate what management strategies are available for agricultural practice around the world. You can specify whether you support conventional practices or regenerative practices and which management strategies are most sustainable.

Get started with the following resources:

Chapter 10 (pp. 240–269) in Withgott, J. H., & Laposata, M. (2021). Environment: The Science behind the stories, [PDF ebook]. Pearson Higher Ed.
S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.) Organic agriculture. https://nifa(dot)usda(dot)gov/topic/organic-agriculture
Chaza, T. C. (2021, March 31). The difference between organic & conventional farming. Farmhut Africa. https://farmhutafrica(dot)com/article/the-difference-between-organic-conventional-farming.html
National Park Service. (n.d.). What is a green roof? https://www(dot)nps(dot)gov/tps/sustainability/new-technology/green-roofs/define.htm

Consider the following questions;
What is a GMO, and what crops on the market today use this technology?
Do you consume GMOs? Why or why not?
What is their purpose?
Do you think organic/regenerative farming practices are better or inferior to conventional management / industrial agriculture strategies? Explain your rationale.
Which management strategy will best support feeding the rising population on Earth?
Which will most benefit the future in terms of sustainability?
What is urban farming? What are green roofs?
Do you think more people should practice urban farming? Why or why not?
How does organic farming help mitigate the effects of and increase resilience to climate change?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMO)
Institution Affiliation
Urban Farming.
Genetically modified organisms ( GMO) are plants, animals, organisms, and microorganisms whose genetic makeup is generated in the laboratory using transgenic technology or genetic engineering. Crops such as corns, soy beans, cotton, papaya, canola, squash, and apples use this technology. The purpose of GMOs is to increase tolerance to pesticides, endurance to the changing climatic condition, and increase the quality and availability of food. As an individual, I consume GMO food such as apples and corn. Their taste is relatively better than conventional ones and is readily available. Therefore, even though GMOs are associated with increased health disadvantages, I think their benefits outweigh their disadvantages.
Notably, I think organic farming is better than conventional farming. This is because organic farming depends on the sustainable growth of crops, focusing on improving the soil's natural fertility( Fahad,2021). In addition, it reduces pollution as this type of farming does not require the use of synthetic pesticides harmful to the environment and conserves water. On the other hand, conventional farming focuses on food security; thus, farmers use synthetic pesticides. Therefore, the most sustainable management to feed the ever-increasing eart...
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