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Television Workplace Paper: Walmart, Labor, and Management

Essay Instructions:


Television programs often focus on the workplace. Watch one episode from a current or past fictional or non-fictional (Reality TV or documentary) television program that is set in an organization. The workplace chosen must have enough employees to constitute an organization and not be a small group or ‘mom and pop’ workplace. The assignment is designed to help you learn about the world of work and its centrality to social life. Before you start writing, review sociological and organizational concepts covered in the class thus far. In an assignment such as this, remember not to get so caught up in the show, entertaining as it may be, that you fail to pay attention to the task at hand--answering the below questions in a meaningful way. Plan to watch episode more than once. The assignment is an exercise in content analysis and visual sociology methods and well as the sociology of work and organizations. As you watch the episode, take notes, looking for answers and examples. Outside sources are not needed for this assignment, other than to provide information about the series (answer #1 below).

Answer the below questions using class lectures, readings, and PowerPoints. Websites such as IMDB.com or ones devoted to the series will assist with questions about the program itself. Refer to the Handel textbook authors, as necessary. Organize your paper, by using the subheadings below 1-6 (though not numbered in your paper, which is a formal piece of writing).

1. Introduction and Background (no more than a paragraph)
What is the title of the TV program?
Is it a current or past series? List years in production. Is it in re-runs? Available on DVD or Internet forums like Hulu?
Did the series win any awards or was it nominated for awards? If so, which ones?
Around what workplace is the series organized?
Describe the organization’s function. What services or products are being produced?
Who owns the organization? Manages it? What are the major workplace positions?

2. The Episode (no more than a paragraph)
What is the formal name of the episode you are analyzing?
Briefly summarize the plot of the episode, emphasizing workplace dynamics.
Who are the 3-5 major characters who appear in this episode? Are they regular or guest actors?
What are their workplace positions?
Are other employee positions depicted in the episode?

3. Workplace Authority and Structure
Describe the hierarchy of authority among the 3-5 characters you have selected. Who reports to whom?
Using Weber’s model of legitimate authority, explain how authority is distributed. Legal-rational? Traditionally? Charismatically?
Using Pugh, is the organization ‘flat’ or ‘tall’?
How does communication flow?

4. Labor
What motivates the workers to work?
Do they work hard or not? Why or why not?
What kinds of skills are required for their positions? Is labor skilled, unskilled, or deskilled?
Is there evidence of alienation? False consciousness?
Describe the self-presentation of employees (Goffman) and the ways in which employees manage their feelings as part of their workplace performance (Hochschild).

5. Management and Leadership
What kinds of strategies does management use to optimize worker productivity? Scientific Management? Human Relations? Humanistic Management? Explain the effectiveness or not of each management strategy used and give examples.
Are there conflicts within management?
Are there conflicts between workers and management?
Discuss leadership style. Use materials you learned from your Ginsberg, “Being Boss is Hard,” and Chapter 14, The World of Corporate Managers, to analyze leadership style and concerns.

6. Conclusion
What did you learn about organizations from this series?
Would you want to work there? Why or why not?
What workplace positions would you most or least likely want to occupy? Why?

D. Analytical Writing
Before you start writing, review sociological and organizational concepts covered thus far in the class. Circle them or write them down and make a conscious effort to apply them as you write about the experiences you are interpreting. One way to organize your response conceptually is to reframe the questions asked in an assignment in your paper. For example, to answer one of the questions under #3, you might say/write: “In The West Wing, Weber’s concepts of charismatic and legal rational legitimate authority are particularly useful for analyzing Martin Sheen’s portrayal of Josiah Bartlet, President of the United States….” (and then explain exactly how it is so that his legitimate authority is not only charismatic but bureaucratic—how does he exercise influence?). I recommend that you underline or bold highlight any course concepts and theories you use, to make certain you are in fact using concepts and theories from the class and are not simply describing the program.

E. Format
-Your essay must be 750-1000 words in length (3-4 pages), excluding title page and bibliography. Number your pages. Standard 10-12 point font such as Times New Roman or Arial.
-Use APA style, although you do not need an abstract.
-Use APA for parenthetical citations and to construct your bibliography.
-Write in the third person, as an objective observer.
-Do not use direct quotes in this paper, unless you are quoting a character in the series. Paraphrase material and cite all sociological and series material.
-Proofread your essay for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting.
-Your essay will be analyzed through SafeAssign and must be an original work, written by you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Television Workplace Essay
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Television Workplace Essay
Introduction and Background
The program's title is 'Walmart: The high cost of low-cost price.' The documentary is produced by Brave New Films, a renowned company that documents workplace issues in different companies. It is a past series and available in brave New Films on the internet. The series has not won any awards but has many views due to its information on effective workplace management to ensure high productivity without necessarily hiking prices. The series is organized around the Walmart workplace. Walmart is a key multinational company located in the United States and responsible for food production. Walmart's key services include wireless services, photo services, retail goods, and financial services (Walmart: The high cost of low price, 2014). The owner of the organization is the Walton family. However, its management is critical and achieved by Timothy Stewart. Walmart has many workplace positions due to its critical role and size. The key workplace positions are cashier and front end, stocking, food and grocery, and general merchandise. The listed workplace positions are critical and have specific individuals with high management and leadership skills. Therefore, with the adequate background of the organization, it is easy to analyze its episode.
The Episode
The formal name of the episode is 'The high cost of low-cost price.' The plot of the episode is majorly based on the critical engagement of top Walmart managers and their crucial role in sustaining the company's growth. The major characters are Diana Devoy, Timothy Stewart, and Stan Fortune (Walmart: The high cost of low price, 2014). Diana is responsible for inventory management specialist, the position of Timothy Stewart is the store manager, and lastly, Stan Fortune plays the key role of loss prevention manager. The characters are not regular, but guests since the main idea are to understand Walmart Company's stability. Besides, different employee positions are also depicted throughout the episode with specific years of experience. The positions are also described to the viewers to understand the key positions and roles that every employee should play to ensure smooth organizational success and growth. Therefore, the episode comprehensively articulates the requirements for organizational success.
Workplace Authority and Structure
Workplace authority and hierarchy are significant for smooth organizational success. Without a specific structure or authority, it becomes difficult to manage organizational success. Organizational hierarchy defines how a company is organized and specific reporting mechanisms. For instance, in the episode, Diana Devoy reports to Stan Fortune, who eventually reports to Timothy Stewart. Timothy Stewart is a store manager and must report to the general manager, and the general manager reports to the CEO. The provided structure is also essential to other departments that are not included in the episode, such as the quality management department.
Weber's model can comprehensively legitimize the authority distribution in the workplace. According to Weber, whenever specific power is approved in a given direction, it leads to legitimate authority (Zelditch & Walker, 2018). Weber classifies authority into three specific types, charismatic, traditional, and legal-rational. The power distribution in the case study resembles legal-rational. For instance, Diana reports to Fortune since he is responsible for loss prevention; therefore, he can easily advise her on specific precautions that must be considered to prevent the company from making losses. Besides, the two individuals are from the store department, which plays a substantial role in the company's profitability. Stan Fortune ...
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