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Cultural Anthropology: An Overview of the Hindu Caste System

Essay Instructions:

Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses.

This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:
Part 1 Provide an overview of the Hindu caste system. Give 2 examples.
Part 2 Describe and differentiate the concepts of productivity and displacement as they are applied to human language. Give 2 examples.
Part 3 Describe the nature and consequences of male bias in development projects. Give 2 examples.

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Cultural Anthropology
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Cultural Anthropology
An Overview of the Hindu Caste System
Hindu society has a 3,000 years old complex hierarchy when it comes to people's social and religious status. Although it is declared illegal in India’s constitution, Hindus regard it as the basis of law and order in a social setting, as announced in their ancient religious book ‘Manusmiriti.’
Historically, they have divided their society into four sects based on purity, food, and relationships. The purest group is Brahmins, created from God’s head. The second group is Kshatriyas, descending from the same God’s arm. Secondly, there are Vaishyas, made by God’s thighs. The lowest slot is Shudras, a part of God’s feet. Another well-known caste concept in Hindu society is ‘achhoots’ or Dalits, whom the upper caste people cannot even touch (BBC, 2019). These four categories have numerous sub-categories of caste relying on intellect, occupation, and food.
The Hindus have been living according to this widely accepted caste system in their country for centuries. Particularly, the rural areas are stricter in following this tradition. The Brahmins do not share their food or drink with lower castes. Likewise, no upper caste shares their water wells with lower caste people (BBC, 2019). Marriages are not allowed from one caste to another. Recently, a woman, Amrutha, lost her husband, Paraney, and the father of her expected child, because he was an ‘acchoot’ by caste. Although legally they were married, society did not accept them and stabbed the husband to death (Slater, 2019). Similar cases of oppression, torture, and killing based on the caste system are ordinary in India, particularly in the villages.
Although the advancement in education has refined India's social views, some lower caste individuals rose to good social status. For example, Indian president KR Narayanan was a Dalite (BBC, 2019). However, as it is a century-old, theologically accepted social order of Hindu society, the people still follow it at the expense of society’s welfare and justice.
The Productivity and Displacement in Human Language
Productivity is the human ability to use language to produce infinite sounds and utterances to describe new things, events, and understandings. Displacement is the human ability to use language to describe abstract things and events. Productivity and displacement are unique to human language, and no other creature possesses them, with a few exceptions.
Productivity lets human beings share their new views, ideas, and understandings with infinite linguistic expressions. For example, when something new happens, like studying a new book, man can share his interpretations. Such as “it was a novel trigging my apprehensions about the advancem...
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