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Globalization: Significance, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Essay Instructions:

Explain the significance of Globalization, explaining its strengths and its weaknesses. Provide two examples of each strength and weakness as you develop your argument within a five-page double spaced paper. You are required to cite the course textbook in every paragraph, in addition to the speech from Barack Obama and Economist article for Week 1. In addition, you are required to cite one peer-reviewed journal article within your paper. Your paper should include a cover page, five pages of text, and a References page with one-inch margins.

References to include in every page of the paper down below :

You are required to cite the course textbook in every paragraph, in addition to the speech from Barack Obama and Economist YouTube’s video. The information on referencing these sources are mentioned below:

Google search for free copy of this text book,


Global Business Today, 10th Edition by Charles W.L. Hill and G. Thomas M. Hult

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1259686696

Obama and Economist YouTube Video,


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Significance of Globalization
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Table of Contents Introduction. 3 Globalization. 3 Strengths of Globalization with Examples. 4 Weaknesses of Globalization with Examples. 6 Conclusion. 7 References. 9 “Significance of Globalization”
Given the emphasis on expanding global entities and reducing barriers to business growth, examining the various facets of globalization is imperative. The present study investigates the advantages and drawbacks of globalization, drawing upon the viewpoints of prominent international actors and Obama's address to the United Nations. Focusing on the function of international organizations and multinational corporations, it critically examines how globalization has altered the economic, cultural, and political landscape.
Globalization is a complex political, social, and economic phenomenon (Makarova, Makarova & Korsakova, 2019). Kihombo et al. (2022) emphasized how globalization is a dynamic process. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and the growth of non-U.S. MNEs are indicators of a possible shift in the global economic balance of power. The phenomenon of Mini-MNEs, characterized by their relatively small workforce and sales volume, is a testament to the fact that internationalization is not exclusively limited to large multinational corporations. Globalization has converted previously centrally planned economies into free markets, signifying economic liberalization tendencies. However, lowering trade barriers has stoked concerns about job losses, wage stagnation, and outsourcing risks. Detractors posit that it has engendered joblessness and decreased wages in industrialized nations. In contrast, advocates contend that it has reduced production expenses and the possibility of economic expansion.
On the other hand, the speech delivered by Obama highlighted the societal and political consequences of globalization. Despite its potential advantages, the author posits that globalization has resulted in an upsurge of inequality. The proliferation of technology and the worldwide supply chain renders the reversal of globalization impractical, thereby mentioning a “course correction” rather than outright repudiation. Former President Obama highlights the importance of the equitable distribution of advantages, tackling the disturbances brought about by integration, and ensuring that the global economy serves the interests of all individuals rather than solely benefiting the privileged few (Youtube, 2016). ). Hill and Hult (2019) asserted that a society characterized by a significant disparity in wealth distribution is incapable of attaining stability, thereby underscoring the pressing need to implement just economic policies.
Correspondingly, globalization similarly brings opportunities and difficulties. The benefits of economic growth, technological dissemination, and integration are evident. However, they must be counterbalanced against possible drawbacks such as inequality, unemployment, and socioeconomic upheaval. Hence, the importance of globalization rests in its innate capacity to influence our interdependent world in a comprehensive, fair, and beneficial manner for everyone.
Strengths of Globalization with Examples
Through a critical evaluation of the merits of globalization and concerning real cases, globalization presents many advantageous prospects. As per Hill and Hult (2019), globalization has emerged as a critical catalyst for fostering economic progress and advancement. Due to the emergence of the global market, corporations have extended their business activities beyond domestic boundaries. Apple Inc. is an illustrative case in point, as its operations span multiple continents, generating employment opportunities, fostering innovative practices, and stimulating regional economies. Youtube (During his speech at the United Nations in 2016, President Obama underscored the significance of trade in reducing extreme poverty by 50%, emphasizing globalization's contribution to economic growth.
Moreover, it facilitates the effective allocation and utilization of resources. Enterprises can procure raw materials and labour at an optimal price-to-quality ratio by implementing outsourcing and offshoring strategies. The Boeing Company illustrates a firm that engages in the global sourcing of aircraft components to enhance efficiency and minimize expenses (Schmuck, 2021). Hill and Hult (2019) magnified that globalization expedites innovation by enabling the transfer of ideas, technologies, and competencies across national boundaries. The region of Silicon Valley is known to flourish due to the valuable contributions made by a diverse workforce on a global scale. In his address to the United Nations, Obama proclaimed that collaborative efforts had yielded novel realms of knowledge and ushered in a fresh epoch of space investigation.
Furthermore, globalization facilitates intercultural exchanges, encouraging acceptance, comprehension, and worldwide unity. Korean pop (K-pop) music and drama have gained worldwide recognition, exemplifying Korean culture's global popularity and promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. During his speech at the United Nations, ...
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