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Diversity and the Concepts of Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Post:

Describe how broad or narrow your definition and understanding of the term “diversity” was, prior to reviewing the resource materials. Then, compare the concepts of cultural competency and cultural humility. Finally, referencing these materials, explain why cultural humility is important for professionals in your chosen discipline. Provide an example to illustrate the importance.


Lyon, G. E. (1999). Where I’m from.Links to an external site. https://iamfromproject(dot)com/i-am-from-george-ella-lyon/

Markman, A. (2015, March 19). What cultural differences can teach us about human nature.Links to an external site. https://www(dot)fastcompany(dot)com/3043789/what-cultural-differences-can-teach-us-about-human-nature

Ungvarsky, J. (2020). Cultural humility.Links to an external site. In Salem Press encyclopedia. Grey House Publishing.

CSUN Family Focus Resource Center. (2019, January 23). Cultural competency & cultural humilityLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=6eWb7N6MJ8A&feature=youtu.be

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Humility and Diversity
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Cultural Humility and Diversity
Before reviewing the course materials, my definition and understanding of "diversity" was relatively narrow. I understood that technological advancements have reduced the world into a global village. As a result, people from varied cultural backgrounds are now able to interact in a manner that has never been historically observed. The integration of people from various cultural backgrounds in modern society accentuates the concept of diversity. Before the course, I understood the interaction between people from varied backgrounds to be diverse.
The concepts of cultural competency and cultural humility are different but closely related (CSUN Family Focus Resource Center, 2019). Cultural competency is the art of understanding and appreciating cultural differences (Ungvarsky, J2020). A culturally competent person has knowledge about several cultures and the way of life of different people groups. On the other hand, cultural humility is understanding one's culture while a...
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