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Silent Spring: An Argument Against Using the Pesticide DDT

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for discussion:

- Read/watch lecture slides/videos and other resources in Module 2 - Surface Water






- Participate in the discussion forum after watching the slides/videos and also reading the the book 'Silent Spring' by Rachel Carson. http://21sci-tech(dot)com/articles/summ02/Carson.html


Video link for the book Slient Spring: http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/moyers/journal/09212007/watch.html PART 1&2

- Create your posts for each topic.

- Posts include your (i) opinions, You can write and edit your posts in MS-Word and copy/paste to the forum.

- Four topics are as follows and threads are formed for each topic.

Topic 1: Why was DDT and other pesticides were such a big concern to Rachel Carson?

Topic 2: What do people who don’t agree with Ms. Carson say about the book Silent Spring? And do you agree with them? Why or why not?

Topic 3: Why DDT is harmful to humans? It’s an insecticide. And We don’t eat that. And see if you can find some examples to share.

Topic 4: What do we do with bedbugs? Bring the DDT back? Or what could be alternative methods? Feel free to suggest your new scheme, and comment on others'.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argument against DDT
Argument against DDT
Rachael Carson in her book Silent Spring raised concerns against the use of the pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) that led to its ban in 1972 (Carson, 2002). According to Carson, there was the excessive and indiscriminate use of pesticides such as DDT in attempts to control crop pests. The poisons washed into drainage systems and absorbed by organism and plants. Their movement along the food chain threatened ecosystems for fish, birds and even humans. The bald eagle (America’s national symbol) suffered too. DDT poised eagles that fed on fish making them lay thin-shelled eggs that broke during incubation (Carson, 2002).
The critics of Carson’s book blame her for putting an end to the use of DDT that was on the way to eradicating malaria, making her guilty for all malaria deaths in the years following the ban. They claim she was wrong and that she sounded a false alarm using “junk science.” But their argument is wrong. Even though the prohibition was in the United States, malaria remains an epidemic problem around the globe, especially in developing cou...
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