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Gender, Sex, and Sexual Identity

Essay Instructions:

The following readings are required to talk about racial disparities in health among gay, lesbian bisexual, and heterosexual men and Women.

->But what is the main concern point of viewing in public health from these, lesbian bisexual, and heterosexual men and women?

->Were there any "ethical issues related to reproduction control if you become lesbian?".

This is my opposite side of the point of view regarding the "Gender, Sex, and Sexual identity"--->"if women are given the opportunity to make their own reproduction choices about sex, contraception, abortion, and application of reproductive technologies. The main issues that raise ethical dilemmas following the development of assisted reproduction techniques are: the right to procreate or reproduce; the process of in vitro fertilization itself-is it morally acceptable to interfere in the reproduction process?; the moral status of the embryo; the involvement of a third party in the reproductive process by genetic material donation; the practice of surrogacy, cryopreservation of pre-embryos; genetic manipulation; experiments on pre-embryos, etc. Induced abortion raises ethical issues related to the rights of the woman versus the rights of the fetus. For those who consider life to begin at conception abortion always equals murder and is therefore forbidden. Those who believe in the absolute autonomy of the woman over her body take the other extreme approach. The discussion surrounding abortion usually centers on whether it should be legal or illegal. Access to safe abortion is critical to the health of women and to their autonomy. The development of new effective contraceptive methods has a profound impact on women's lives. By the use of contraception it is possible to lessen maternal, infant and child mortality and to reduce the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases. Research and development of new effective reversible contraceptives for women and men is needed. Dissemination of information about the safety and effectiveness of contraceptive methods is of great importance. Female genital mutilation is still practiced worldwide due to customs and tradition among various ethnic groups. The procedure is considered to be medically detrimental to the physical and mental health of women and girls, and is considered by many as oppression of women. The practice has to be stopped. Recognition of the fetus as a 'patient' has a potential effect on women's right for autonomy; they have no legal obligation to undergo invasive procedures and to risk their health for the sake of their fetuses. The woman carries ethical obligations toward her fetus. This obligation should not be enforced by the law. At present women bear most of the burden of reproductive health. All of them have a right of access to fertility regulation. Governments and society must ensure the women's equal rights to health care just as men have in the regulation of their fertility.

---> These are the reading articles, but what is the main key among these articles?

--->what are you disagree and agree with?

-->The U.S constitution does protect public health, but NOT individual health. What kind of critical question can you raise in these articles?

---> Is it a religious violation? based on these people( gay, lesbian bisexual, and heterosexual men and women ) sexual activity in public Health?

-->Please also define Gender, sex, and Sexual Identity, and Articulate the influence of gender, sex and sexual identity on the incidence and prevalence of disease and illness for making the critical arugment

--->Please both biological and socially constructed impact of genders, sex, and sexual identity on health.

How did the gender system change because of gay, lesbian bisexual, and heterosexual men and women to impact on the public health system? *please make the critical arugment


***Reading Lists:

Mayer, K. H., Bradford, J. B., Makadon, H. J., Stall, R., Goldhammer, H., & Landers, S. (2008). Sexual and gender minority health: what we know and what needs to be done. American journal of public health, 98(6), 989-995.

Tuthill, Z., Denney, J.T., and Gorman, B. (2017). Racial disparities in health and health behaviors among gay, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual men and women in the BRFSS-SOP. Ethnicity & Health: 1-1.

Ouyand, H. April 13, 2017. “A Transgender Learning Gap in the Emergency Room.” The New York Times.

Supplemental Readings

Bird CI, Rieker PP. Gender matters: an integrated model for understanding men’s and women’s health. Soc Sci Med. 1999;48: 745-755.

Gorman BK, Read JG. Gender Disparities in Adult Health: An Examination of Three Measures of Morbidity. J Health Soc Behav. 2006;47(2):95-110.

Halkitis PN. Obama, marriage equality, and the health of gay men. Am J Public Health. 2012 Sep;102(9):1628-9.

Dehart DD. Breast health behavior among lesbians: the role of health beliefs, heterosexism, and homophobia. Women Health. 2008;48(4):409-27.

Mansdotter A, Lindholm L, Lundberg M, Winkvist A, and Ohman A. Parental share in public and domestic spheres: A population study on gender equality, death and sickness. J Epidemiol Comm Health. 2006;60:616-620.

Herrick AL, Stall R, Chmiel JS, Guadamuz TE, Penniman T, Shoptaw S, Ostrow D, Plankey MW. It gets better: resolution of internalized homophobia over time and associations with positive health outcomes among MSM. AIDS Behav. 2013 May;17(4):1423-30.

* please choose three article for references

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender, Sex and Sexual Identity
Institutional Affiliation
Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, expressions, behaviors and identities of men and women or between females and males. In contrast, sex refers to the two categories into which humans and most animals are categorized. On the other hand, sexual identity is defined as how one thinks of him/herself regarding to whom they are romantically attracted. The three articles share a lot in common. For one, all the articles agree that there is inequality in the healthcare sector against members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community. Helen Ouyang acknowledges a gap in his medical training and his colleagues on how to attend to LGBT patients. The article by Tuthill et al. examines how health status and behavior vary for the different members of the LGBT community. One significant difference between the articles is that the article by Tuthill et al. focuses on the racial/identity aspect of the problem. Lastly, the article by Mayer et al. (2008) addresses the healthcare challenges encountered by the LGBT community and offers to provide solutions for the challenge.
I agree with the articles that members of the LGBT community are discriminated against in the healthcare sector. As seen from the articles, there is a gap in training on how healthcare providers should attend to the LGBT community. Continued discrimination against people of contrary belief (LGBT) may discourage them from seeking help in healthcare facilities, putting them at high risk. As seen from the article, members of the LGBT community are at a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (Tuthill et al, 2017). Therefore it would be paramount to ensure that medical practitioners are well educated to attend to these individuals.
The problem of discriminating against members of the LGBT community in society is a religious violation. The reason for the assumption is that even if LGBT is a new concept, necessary measures ought to have been implemented to ensure equality in service delivery. The article by Ouyang shows that less than five hours are devoted to catering to LGBT health, while most medical schools have zero hours for the studies (Ouyand, 2017). I believe the main reason for the precedence is that LGBT is still considered to be against the religious beliefs of these communities.
Religious exemption refers to the laws enacted to allow the people, non-profit organizations and other corporations to seek an exception from state laws that appear to burden their religious beliefs. Several states have already enacted laws to create religious exemptions against the LGBT community, arguing that marriage should only be restricted to one man and one woman and that sex should be limited to such a couple (Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 2022). Examples of these religious exception laws include the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), foster care adoption law, medical providers, state marriage solemnization, and child welfare services (MAP, 2022). The marriage solemnization exemption allows marriage officials not to offer marriage services to individuals whose marriage they disapprove of, for example, same-sex marriages.
Other factors likely to decrease the rate of LGBTQ+ individuals
However, it is important to note that several other factors are likely to lower the marriage rate among LGBTQ+ individuals. One possible factor that may lead to a decreased marriage rate is stigmatization. According to Tuthill et al. (2017), the marriage rate among heterosexual white men is fivefold that of white gay men. The idea of LGBTQ+ individuals has not been accepted in most communities. Some people still have negative beliefs about these individuals, making it difficult to come out in public. Instead, most of these individuals like to...
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