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Poland's Deviant Burials and Folkloric Vampires

Essay Instructions:

The Assignment:

You will select and review one article from the list below (all of which are accessible through the McMaster library catalogue):

1. Betsinger, T.K., & Scott, A.B. (2014). Governing from the grave: Vampire burials and social order in post-medieval Poland. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, (24), 467-476. https://doi(dot)org/10.1017/S0959774314000754

2. Martin E. 1991. The egg and the sperm: How science has constructed a romance based on stereotypical male-female roles. Signs 16: 485-501. https://doi(dot)org/10.1086/494680

3. Buckley, H.R., Buikstra, J.E. (2019). Stone Agers in the Fast Lane? How Bioarchaeologists Can Address the Paleo Diet Myth. In: Buikstra, J. (eds) Bioarchaeologists Speak Out. Bioarchaeology and Social Theory. Springer, Cham. https://doi(dot)org/10.1007/978-3-319- 93012-1_7

Your review should summarize the article and offer a critical analysis of its content. As a guide to writing your review, consider the following questions:

• What are the authors trying to say? o What is their focus and aim?

• How have the authors approached their topic of study?

• What are their main conclusions and take aways?

• Why is this research significant?

• What have others written about this topic or this article?

• What do you think about this article?

o Do you agree or disagree with the authors and why?


Your review must be written in essay format. There should be a clear introduction with a thesis, body paragraphs (how many is up to you – in high school, you are taught the ‘hamburger method’ where all papers are five paragraphs, but in university, papers can be as many paragraphs as needed), and a brief conclusion.

References: In addition to the article you are reviewing, you must refer to at least two other sources in your review. These two additional sources must be a scholarly source, such as a book, a journal article, etc.

Word count: Your review should be between 1200 and 1400 words, not including your References Cited page. We will give a 50-word grace limit for going over or under the word limit. Anything beyond (or below) this (by even one word) will receive a deduction of 1%. Note that all in-text citations are included in the word count.

Formatting: Please use Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins. Make sure to proofread your paper before submitting, as marks are allocated for spelling, grammar, etc. Refrain from using slang or contractions (e.g. don’t, won’t); treat this as a formal paper. You do not need a title page, and you do not need to put your name, or student number,. We can tell who you are on Avenue’s Dropbox.

Use of first person: Please limit your use first person (e.g. “I think...”), and only do so when you are making a supported argument. In other words, any opinion that you express should be backed up by citations/the work of others.

Citation Style: In this class, we are using APA. There are no endnotes or footnotes with this system. You must include in-text citations and a reference list in APA style. There are various library resources available to help you learn to cite correctly (e.g., http://libguides(dot)mcmaster(dot)ca/APA)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Review
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
The presence of and discovery of deviant burial sites across various parts of the world has triggered questions about the logic behind the practices. This study gives a compressive and critical review of Poland's deviant burials and folkloric vampires. It also highlights the perspective of other similar studies.
Betsinger, T. K., & Scott, A. B. (2014). Governing from the grave: Vampire burials and social order in post-medieval Poland. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 24(3), 467-476.
Betsinger and Scott (2014) explored the dead's social agency by assessing how funerary practices and mortuary treatments influenced the lives of still-living friends, family, and community members. They sought to understand the roles played by the deceased in the community and how their 'non-normative' or 'deviant' burial practices were interpreted by society. This study was made possible by assessing the post-medieval vampire burial sites in Drawsko 1, Poland. The burial sites were identified via grave goods. They provided an opportunity for the authors to comprehend how the deceased vampires and vampire folklore influenced the communities by encouraging social order and explaining the presence of unknowns (such as illnesses and pandemics).
Burial sites and funerary practices are significant aspects that reflect the culture of a society. The non-normative or deviant burials represent an unusual or bizarre practice different from the culturally or traditionally accepted ones. The article explains that burial sites can differ depending on age, sex, or the social roles of the deceased. They also vary based on the dead's life or death circumstances. Some circumstances that result in deviant burials include suicide, massacre, judicial execution, homicide, superstition, battles, sacrifices, and plagues. Therefore, non-normative burials are determined by two factors: the manner of death and how mortuary treatments translate those deaths. Since the initial excavation of the Drawsko 1 cemetery in 1929, several artifacts have been discovered and preserved.
The authors chose the post-medieval period of Poland as the reference point for assessing the various translations of the mortuary treatment and burial practices. During this time, Poland encountered a series of transformations both in political and religious arenas. For instance, regarding the former, Poland and Lithuania had merged and formed a commonwealth in 1596 AD. However, the merger encountered foreign and civil wars, epidemics, and broad devastations that had a catastrophic effect on the country. Religious changes were reflected in the Catholic reforms, where the clergy sought to improve the church's practices through discipline and better education. For instance, priests had to know each member of their parish and passage rites. Funerals and baptism took on a greater religious emphasis.
During this time, pagan beliefs about the undead and burial practices were incorporated into Christian practices as long as the latter was maintained. This integration played a vital role in interpreting the burial traditions surrounding the reanimation of the dead and the fear of vampirism. This article uses the Slavic (especially the Polish) definition of a vampire. Vampires were defined as mythological beings (such as evil spirits or ghosts) that occupy a deceased's corpse and torment the living by causing death or illnesses and sucking blood. The typology of vampires paramount in this study is folkloric.
The Polish believed that upon an individual's death, the body and soul separate, leaving the latter to wander the familiar places for forty days. While most souls are regarded as harmless, the 'unclean,' deviant, or marginalized (due to physical appearances) community members were feared to be evil and a danger to the living. Those conceived during the holy days, out of wedlock...
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