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Principles Acknowledged as Core Tenets of the US Constitution

Essay Instructions:

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slide 1: -------

slide2: -----

Assessment Description

The following principles have been recognized as core tenets of the U.S. Constitution:

Checks and balances


Judicial review

Limited government

Popular sovereignty

Separation of powers

Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation to educate a group of students or adults about the core tenets listed above for an upcoming Constitution Day celebration in a school setting. You may select a grade level 1-12, teachers, or parents as your audience. Please specify your intended audience and include other pertinent information within the speaker notes. Your presentation should be engaging and appropriate for your chosen audience. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50-100 words in your speaker notes per slide.

In addition to your PowerPoint, include a 250-500-word essay describing two interactive learning activities for your intended audience to coincide with your presentation.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Slide 1
The following principles have been acknowledged as core tenets of the U.S. Constitution:
* Checks and balances
* Federalism
* Judicial review
* Limited government
* Popular sovereignty
* Separation of powers
Slide 2 (Checks and Balances)
Checks and balances ensure that no branch has too much control over any other branch. Each branch has the power to oversee and limit the activities of the other two branches (Cornell Law School, n.d.b).
Slide 3 (Checks and Balances)
* The executive branch upholds the law and has the authority to negotiate treaties with other countries (Cornell Law School, n.d.b).
* The legislative branch comprises of House of Representatives and Senates. This branch is responsible for the laws (Cornell Law School, n.d.b).
* The Supreme Court heads the judicial branch and decides all significant legal questions. The judicial branch decides whether laws are constitutional or not (Cornell Law School, n.d.b).
Slide 4 (Federalism)
In a federalist system of government, two levels of authority share authority over the same territory. The national government and the smaller political entities have the authority to enact laws and enjoy some degree of independence from one another (Cornell Law School, n.d.a).
Slide 5 (Judicial Review)
The ability of a court to examine a law or an official act of a government employee or agent is known as judicial review. Suppose the judicial branch decides that the laws or acts were unconstitutional. In that case, it can use judicial review to invalidate the laws, revoke executive orders, or demand public officials to act morally (Lustig & Weiler, 2018).
Slide 6 (Limited Government)
With limited government, the federal government’s authority is constrained. According to the Declaration of Independence, the citizens it governs are the source of the government's authority. According to the Declaration of Independence, everyone is bound by the land's supreme law, which ensures that no one is ...
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