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Marx's and Hegel's Dialectics

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Write a 3-5 page, double spaced paper on topic below: The essay should be in APA format and it should be properly cited. Use "Sweet Search" are great places to find academic sources … and our library explains what is considered an academic source and what is considered a “popular” source. Please make use of these resources. http://www(dot)sweetsearch(dot)com/ USING TWO ACADEMIC SOURCES IN ADDITION TO SOURCE Below: By George Ritzer: Classical Sociological Theory Sixth (6th) Edition TOPIC: Marx's sociology was greatly influenced by the German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, explain the main points of Hegel's philosophy that informed Marx's up and coming sociological thought. Explain the concept of the dialectic, a key concept for both Hegel and Marx. How did Hegel and Marx view the dialectical dynamic? Additionally, Hegel described the process of evolution as “occurring beyond the control of people and their activities” (Ritzer, 2010, p.21). Did Marx agree with this view? Please explain.
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Marx’s and Hegel’s Dialectics Student Name: School Name:
Marx’s and Hegel’s Dialectics Dialectic is an argument fundamentally brewed between Western and Eastern philosophy right from ancient times. It is a dialogue involving two people (each holding different views about a common subject) who try convincing and persuading one another with their views. The common assumption is that the two differing people do at least agree on some of the issues on the topic even if they do hold differing opinions in general. As stated above dialectics is an argument between Western and Eastern philosophers, a major form of dialectic is that which exists between the Marxist school of thought as proposed by Karl Marx and the Hegelian school of thought as proposed by Hegel. Dialectics revolves around three fundamental principles: a). That everything is made of opposing forces b). Change is never circular; it is spiral in nature c). That everything does exist in a medium of time and that everything is finite and transient The dialectics history has been weighed on the same scales as philosophy’s history. The main aim of dialectics is to solve the tussle that exists between different ideologies in a more civilised way or through rational discussions. This way a more truthful conclusion about the subject matter can be arrived efficiently. Modern Philosophy Hegel is the pioneer of modern philosophy and as such he gave the dialectics concept a new lease of life. This new lease of life given to the dialectic was a fundamental aspect of nature’s reality. Hegel’s works influenced many philosophers later on, for instance Karl Marx and Engel. However, Marx and Engel deeply criticised and in fact his works were later on banned by the Prussian right-wing (Engel, 1940). Furthermore, his works were rejected by the left wingers in many official writings. His work on innovation of logic was considered to be difficult. Hegel later formed a new logic of Speculation which was a retaliation of Immanuel’s Kant work on Pure reason. His works to date remain highly un-understandable; in fact most of the philosophers who were influenced by his works never fully understood his position or his dialectical logic. Karl Marx opposed Hegel’s dialectics and in fact overturned it inside out. Marx held the opinion that the universe constituted matter in motion. He posited that everything in the universe was interconnected and acted interdependently and did so according to natural law. Therefore it is correct to construe that Marx did support materialistic philosophy which went parallel with idealism as posited by Hegel. However, Marx’s materialistic stand should not be confused and misconstrued with simple materialism. Marx in fact considered classic materialism to constitute idealistic philosophy. Marx was of the idea that philosophy should not be metaphysical; it should not be spiritual as was evident in Hegel’s teachings. He posited that, philosophy should take up its role in society and help in highlighting the problems in society and at the same time provide solutions to those problems. It was regarded by Marx that philosophy had to cease its habit of explaining and interpretation of global occurrences in a never ending web of metaphysical debates. The ideas proposed by Marx led to many rising workers’ movements especially in Germany, France and Engl...
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