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Future of the European Union

Essay Instructions:

Please Do Question 2 & 4
Draw your answers from the information in the readings/class notes/videos when applicable.

You do not need to officially cite your sources in the text or at the end of your exam. If you are mentioning a reading, you can write the name of the author in your text.

For every question, please write about 2 (maximum 3) pages double-spaced answers 12 font. Write your answers in sentences and paragraphs, and make sure to break your answers into different


For every question, please write an approximately 2 (maximum 3) pages double-spaced, 12 font, answer. You can go slightly over the suggested page length, or you can write slightly shorter as well. For more instructions, please refer to the previous page. Each question is worth 35 points. I have marked different prompts within each question for clarity purposes. You do not need to use colors in your answers. Each question has several prompts. Make sure to answer all these parts in the questions you choose to answer. Please structure your answer based on these prompts and write in paragraphs.

1) Political parties in Europe are diverse in many ways, and many countries have numerous political parties in their legislatures. First, identify two types among the main party families in Europe and give examples from specific countries. (8 points) What are some general trends of party politics in Europe? How are some mainstream parties doing electorally in some European countries? Be specific and give examples (assigned material is also useful in addition to the slides). (15 points) Finally, what does populism mean as an ideology and as a strategy? (4 points) How is illiberal populism be at odds with democracy? (4 points) What countries in Europe have had prevalent populist parties recently? Be specific. (4 points). (Total: 35 points)

2) Do you think we are likely to witness more unity or less unity in Europe/European Union in the future? Explain your reasoning, thinking about challenges including democracy, the responses to the war in Ukraine, the climate change issues, energy independence and populism in some countries. Be specific and make sure to justify your reasoning. (35 points) Make sure to refer to assigned readings (ex: Dennison/Week 10), in addition to the lectures in your answer.

3) Welfare states have important public policy outcomes, especially regarding distribution and redistribution of resources. First, define what welfare states are (4 points), and list the main pillars of welfare states (5 points). What is an important outcome of welfare states, and how is it measured? (Hint: there are two subtypes of this measure and think of the graphs shown). Please be specific. How does it help us understand the different types of welfare states in Europe? (9 points) Finally, what are the three main categories of welfare states in Europe (in other words the three worlds of welfare capitalism, categorized by Esping-Andersen)? Briefly list a country example for each category. (12 points) Make sure to refer to lectures/readings on this issue (e.g., Garland book chapter). How is the British economy doing right now, in terms of living standards for people? Be specific. (5 points)

4) What are some determinants/factors of the vote for Brexit (in other words: the Leave vote)? (Here, make sure to refer to at least two relevant readings – one from Week 9 and one from Week 8) (12 points) What are some important economic consequences, as discussed in some videos that were assigned? (8 points) What economic and political challenges remain? (Think of issues related to Northern Ireland and Scotland and elaborate on those) (15 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Future of the European Union
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Question Two
European Union was an organization created to help unify European countries. The body has been working tirelessly to ensure prosperity in the region. The introduction of a single market, common currency, and free movement of people were some of the most outstanding achievements realized by the organization (Dennison, 2022). The body has been experiencing several challenges, especially following the withdrawal of some members. Moreover, there have been various claims that the body is being affected by political issues. The program aims to surpass its current goals to create a better European World. Despite the European Union experiencing several challenges, the organization's current programs and strategies give hope for a brighter future for the council, proving that the unity within the region will continue increasing in the future.
Climate change is presently a significant problem globally. The European Union has an environmental policy aimed at preserving the environment. The legislation emphasizes significant concerns, including the surroundings, biodiversity, and natural resources. The world population continues to grow daily. Therefore, there is a corresponding increase in global pollution. Every nation has unique environmental protection measures. However, countries cannot maintain the environment independently since conservation requires teamwork (Dennison, 2022). The laws of the European Union are also stricter and better structured. Therefore, there is a strong likelihood that the body will become more united in its efforts to safeguard the environment.
The European Union has frequently shown its cohesion by defending its members. An excellent illustration was a conflict in Ukraine when the body criticized Russia for its unjustified military actions (Dennison, 2022). It also mocked Belarus for its participation in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The council has convened several sessions to discuss the conflicting viewpoints on the Ukraine problem. The European Union has also repeatedly requested Russia to withdraw its armed forces from Ukraine. The body has increased sanctions against Russia to ensure its recommendations are adhered to. Through the Ukraine crisis, the European Union has demonstrated its cohesion and solidarity with its member nations, raising the likelihood of greater future unity.
Populism is democracy's adversary. The existing practice puts the world's democracies in jeopardy. The European Union has a worldwide strategy that tries to promote democracy and human rights. The body is working to ensure that member nations can meet the 2030 Agenda. The organization also employs inclusive decision-making and works to combat inequality. As a result, the public is more confident in its capacity to reestablish democracy (Dennison, 2022). In addition, the European Union supports online media and civic education, which are crucial for guaranteeing democracy's resilience. The body supports technological advancements that foster public engagement in the democratic process and broadens access to information. The efforts of the European Union are essential for maintaining the region's and its member nations' unity. Therefore, supporting democracy proves that union unity will grow in the future.
The activities exemplified by the European Union aim to bring member nations together. The group runs several initiatives to resolve existing issues. The environmental policy encourages international cooperation to better effectively address the problems related to climate change. The organizations' assistance to Ukraine throughout the war indicates togetherness among member states. The Union's initiatives and strategies ar...
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