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Codes and Ethics and Their Importance

Essay Instructions:

Submit final paper on ethics and codes

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions by Corey, Corey and Callanan (8th edition)

The student will write a 6-8 page paper on National Association of Social Workers (NASW), American Psychological Association (APA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); this will include what is ethics, the importance and what their code of ethics looks like and stands for

- The student will write a 6-8 page paper on:

National Association of Social Workers (NASW),

American Psychological Association (APA),

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA);

this will include what is ethics,

the importance and what their code of ethics looks like and stands for

history of the association


This must have a minimum of 2 references which can be journal articles, websites, textbooks; this assignment is to help the student understand the importance of ethics, the governing bodies of these ethics and the legal aspects in human services

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics and Codes
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Ethics and Codes
Codes and ethics refer to the set of principles, standards, and guidelines that professionals must adhere to for professionalism, integrity, and honesty. They provide professionals with guidelines on the best behaviors to uphold (Pedraza, 2015). Codes and ethics also serve as guidelines on decision-making, allowing professionals to maintain best practices in the workplace. They also serve as guidelines for business operations and professional practice. Ethics and codes also define the rules and laws that govern professionals and entities to prevent conflict and ensure professional practice (Pedraza, 2015). Different organizations and professionals have specific codes and ethics. Codes and ethics are essential in creating and promoting a professional work environment that benefits employees and entities (Pedraza, 2015). They also promote integrity, trust, honesty, and ethical behavior, thus helping to eliminate conflicts. This paper will discuss the codes and ethics and their importance with a specific focus on the following four organizations, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is a professional body for social workers across the world. The entity was founded in 1955 and has grown into the most prominent membership association that covers social workers. The organization, with over 120,000 members, has its headquarters in Washington, DC, United States. (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). Its principal role is to promote professional growth and development among its members. The association incorporates programs and workshops that allow social workers to advance their professional growth. It also establishes, upholds, and maintains professional standards for social workers. It also advocates for its members and offers research and guidance (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) also plays a critical role in establishing, implementing, and advancing proper social policies. 
The National Association of Social Workers has ethics and codes that govern and regulate its activities and members. The set code guides the ethics, practice, and behavior of social workers under the association. The association’s ethical principles define the association’s ethical practice by defining the core values that define social work practice (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). The ethical standards define social workers’ ethical behavior and conduct and define the basis for adjudication for its members. The association’s codes of conduct are critical since they provide members with a summary of its general ethical practices (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). They also define the association’s core values and mission. The ethical codes are also vital in defining the standards for the social work profession to prevent unethical conduct. These codes also serve as guidelines for new social work professionals by providing a summary of the expected values, ethical standards, and principles to uphold during practice. This ensures that new members have a point of reference as they begin careers as social workers, thus promoting professionalism (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). Lastly, the ethics and code offer insights into the social work profession, allowing the public to understand and hold social workers responsible and accountable. This ensures safety and positive health outcomes for the public. 
American Psychological Association (APA)
The American Psychological Association (APA) is an American professional and scientific institution that represents psychology and has over 133,000 researchers, consultants, students, clinicians, and educators. The professional and scientific association was founded in July 1892 and has its headquarters in Washington, DC. (American Psychological Association, 2017). The association’s primary objective is to encourage the application, communication, and advancement of psychological knowledge and science to improve society. The association improves the lives of people in society by providing the public with relevant knowledge about psychology and its use (American Psychological Association, 2017). It also positively impacts society by implementing strategies that improve its psychological issues. The association is keen on promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. 
Ethics and codes guide the American Psychological Association to prevent and resolve conflicts. A major ethical principle for the association looks into avoiding harm. The association has specific ethical guidelines that ensure that psychologists take appropriate precautions to safeguard the health and safety of patients and clients (American Psychological Association, 2017). The researchers also maintain high standards to protect and safeguard research participants. The association also upholds ethical principles that forbid psychologists from engaging in activities that expose clients and research participants to harm or torture. 
The codes and ethics are essential in the association since they protect the rights and interests of participants. Since professionals interact with clients and participants, the codes of...
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