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Sustainable Development: Gender Equality

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to inform the general public about a sustainability problem of your choice,and propose a solution to it. In your finished task you should:

•  explain your chosen problem,and why it is a problem, and why it matters for sustainability, drawing on what you have learnt from the unit to support your argument.

  • outline your proposed solution, and justify why you think it will be effective,taking into consideration any potential challenges your solution might encounter. Your solution can be practical (a technical solution) or more policy based.You can draw on examples and evidence from the unit,and you own wider reading to support your proposed solution.
  • refer to the Core Modules and at least two of the Goal Modules

You can present your finished task in a format of your choice - for example as a leaflet,a concept note, a policy briefing,and essay or a newspaper article. The important thing is that the format is suitable for communicating to an audience of the general public 

Whatever format you choose, your finished task should be no more than 1500 words in length (excluding references), and should be fully referenced using a recognised referencing system of your choice. You may, if you wish,use graphs,statistics,or maps, where appropriate, to illustrate your argument.

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Sustainable Development: Gender Equality
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Sustainable Development: Gender Equality
Girls' and women's empowerment and working toward gender equality by ensuring equal participation in every aspect of society are imperative to sustainable development (University College for Interdisciplinary Learning, n.d). The 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 contains guidelines for governments to plan actionable policies to empower all girls and women and achieve gender equality (United Nations, n.d). SDG 5 is also related to SDG 10 of reducing inequalities within and among countries. In particular, income inequalities create or worsen socioeconomic disparities among minority populations (University College for Interdisciplinary Learning, n.d). SDG 5 and SDG 10 recognize the empowerment of women and girls and gender equality as priority areas to "leave no one behind (University College for Interdisciplinary Learning, n.d)." The agenda offers an opportunity to transform women's and girls' lives and speed up progress toward sustainable development. As a fundamental human right, gender equality is critical to a prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable world. Although there have been significant developments toward gender equality and women's empowerment through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), such as equal primary education access among girls and boys, women and girls still face violence and discrimination globally. Building on the same targets in MDG, SDG 4: Quality Education recognizes education as a fundamental human right. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) agrees that education is critical in building resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies. SDG4 links to other SDGs in promoting gender equality, reducing inequality, and improving mental and physical health (University College for Interdisciplinary Learning, n.d). Therefore, SDG5 aims to empower women and girls and ensure gender equality. The United Nations recognizes increasing inequality across and within nations as one of the leading factors undermining the agenda of sustainable development that threatens to reverse the gains witnessed in the last decades of improving people's lives (University College for Interdisciplinary Learning, n.d). This paper explores the problem and scale of gender inequality and proposes policy solutions and potential challenges in the implementation of the solutions.
The Scale of Gender Inequality Globally
The United Nations estimates that 750 million girls and children were forcefully married before 18, and at least 200 million girls in 30 states have been through female genital mutilation (FGM). However, in the 30 states, the number of girls between 15 and 19 forced into FGM dropped to 1 in 3 girls in 2017 from 1 in 2 girls in 2000. The United Nations also notes that in 18 states, husbands can lawfully deny their wives from going to work and that boys and girls have different rights in terms of inheritance in 39 countries globally. In 49 states, women are not legally protected from domestic violence. At least one in five girls and women and 19 percent of women and girls between 15 and 49 years have experienced sexual and physical violence from their intimate partners. While these figures are shocking, 49 countries worldwide have no laws to protect women and girls from domestic violence. In recent years, women have made progress in terms of political representation around the world, but at 23.7 percent, women's representation in national parliament is still low. In 49 countries worldwide, women hold over 30 percent of national parliamentary positions in at least one chamber.
Regarding property ownership, only 13 percent of women own agricultural land. Studies also show that women and girls work for 12.5 billion hours per week in unpaid household chores. Besides, women in many parts of Northern Africa have less than a fifth of paid jobs in sectors other than the agricultural industry. However, the ratio of women in paid employment outside the sector has increased since 1990, from 35 percent to 41 percent in 2015. Women continue to suffer the challenges of gender inequality, as only 52 percent of married women or those in a union can make independent decisions about health care, contraceptive use, and sexual relation. However, there have been developments in many countries worldwide to ensure gender equality. Over 100 countries have set policies to track budget allocation and ensure gender equality. Besides, the number of girls married before 18 has declined by more than 40 percent in Southern Asia since 2000.
Women in Decisions and Leadership
Women must have an equal right to participate in decision-making and leadership. As more women take up leadership positions, they can create differences that will benefit society. The Inter-Parliamentary Union has noted...
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