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The Formation and Belief in the American Dream

Essay Instructions:

Submission due by Sunday, May 16 no later than 11:59 PM

In this American Dream paper, you need to write a sociological paper (5-6 pages-long, double-spaced, Century Schoolbook, 12 pt-font preferably) on the role of dominant ideology in the formation and belief in the American Dream, about obstacles to the ideology using empirical evidence.

In other words, what is this ideology about? How might this ideology be reproduced? Why is it that people believe in the American Dream while empirical data tells us that social mobility in this country is much more difficult today than in the past? How do people make sense of the ideology while they are struggling in their lives? What are the obstacles to achieving the dream? What are both the positive and negative elements connected to the American Dream. Be sociological and critical...

First, ask two of your close friends, parents, colleagues or others what the American Dream means to them (capture honest and raw comments, do not interject).

Second, in light of what you have read, watched and listened to, examine the sociological meaning of the American Dream, which means to critically assess its origins, how it is reproduced, who it might benefit, and eventually the reality of social mobility in the U.S.

In other words, what is this ideology about? Why is it that people believe in the American Dream while empirical data tells us that social mobility in this country is much more difficult today than in the past? How do people make sense of the ideology while they are struggling in their lives? What are both the positive and negative elements connected to the American Dream. Be sociological and critical...

You are REQUIRED to read all the articles, and watch the videos made available under Course content in this week and last week's modules. NO outside sources. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. This is NOT a personal reflection paper.

Dear students, I want to offer you a few additional points to think about as you prepare this important American dream paper:

- Treat it as an academic paper, NOT as a personal reflection paper

- Make sure to ALL the sources provided to you (and do NOT use any external ones)

- Do NOT bring or use your own personal views and ideas

- Be organized and comprehensive

- Rely on the sources provided to you and cite them properly

- Reflections from your peers should be kept at a minimum

Think about the following questions:

- What is the American dream ideology about?

- How is it reproduced?

- Historical context?

- Using articles and videos, what is the data saying and is the data confirming and challenging this ideology?

- What are the different factors making this ideology unrealistic?

- How do folks' ideas of the ideology match or are disconnected from reality?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Formation And Belief in the American Dream
Course Number and Name
Tutor’s Name
On asking two of close friends what American dream meant to them I go the following responses. First, “first American dream is an illusion which does not reflect the exact reality of all American’s.” Second respondent, “American dream was a possibility way back. The rate of unemployment is high, wages have declined, and it’s no longer easy to buy that dream house, car, or live that luxurious life like the few privileged people do.” Responses from friends
The American dream is America’s most revered symbol of national heritage. Celebrated by all American cultures, the ideology dates back to the 1930s and originated from American writer and historian James Truslow. James Truslow defined the American dream as, “dreaming and living in a land where life is better, richer, and fuller for everybody, with everyone’s opportunity based on ability and achievement” (Surowiecki, 2014). Throughout the 19th century, the American dream ideology specifically referred to the prospect of success, but hundred years later, the phrase is more about the pursuit of wealth and material possession. Throughout those years, the American dream has been used as a patriotic rhetorical device capable of moving many Americans and non-Americans to harbor positive thoughts of their individual and country destiny (McNamee, 2014). Over the years, the American dream has traveled overseas and inspired many people, such that there is evidence that similar ideological goals and lifestyle practices are being sought across the world. Ideally, the initial American dream was not solely about the accumulation of wealth but justice, democracy, and equality for all. In the cold war, the American dream became an argument among capitalists, and today its significance is almost dying out. American dream as an ideology stands significant among American’s.
Historical Context
The American dream dates back to America’s founding fathers who saw it necessary for America to have its independence from England. American fathers believed that Americans possessed the right to liberty, life, and overall pursuit of happiness, and therefore sought ways to create a country where people could break away from class restrictions and pursue life, they desired regardless of circumstances surrounding their birth (Alston, 2017). Over the years, the definition has changed but has not entirely lost its meaning. In 1931, when America suffered the great depression, James Truslow Adam, in his book "The Epic of America" wrote about a land in which people should pursue a better, richer, and fuller life regardless of position or birth (MacLeod, 2005). The American dream created a country where people had the chance to rise the ladder of success through their ingenuity and labor. As a result of this ideology, immigrants fled their countries for the united states with the hope of obtaining not just freedom but also material success. Many revolutionaries fled their home countries for the united states with the hope of working and eventually building a better life than the life they abandoned in their home countries (MacLeod, 2005). During colonial America, the American dream was realized solely through class interactions and in the industrial period, the American dream led many people including immigrants to seek jobs so they could buy land, houses, and afford decent lives. Ideally, throughout the 19th – 21st century, the American dream has become competitive and highly individualistic.
Making Sense of the ideology
The American dream is a social issue mainly because it is a value deeply embedded in America’s societal and cultural ideology. Over the past few decades, the American dream has solely in...
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