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How Advocacy tactics shaping legislation and regulation

Essay Instructions:

Please describe the range of advocacy tools and tactics used to inform and influence policy makers. Explain how and why these are effective at shaping legislation and regulation, using examples from your experience with readings to illustrate your key points.


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How Advocacy Tactics Shape Legislation and Regulation
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How Advocacy Tactics Shape Legislation and Regulation
Question 1
Advocacy is considered a strategic means of influencing non-governmental organizations (NGOs), activists, and policymakers. It involves creating or reforming existing policies and a consequent follow-up an effective implementation and enforcement of the same procedures. Policies refer to a well-thought-out plan or course of action that can be adopted by governments, businesses, or institutions designed to help inform internal and external decisions. This essay is an analysis of advocacy tactics that can help to shape and regulate legislation effectively. The ability to communicate effectively, verbally or n writing, is an essential aspect of advocacy. A letter is always considered a professional way of delivering a message, especially if there is no personal relationship with the target audience. Advocacy is a long process; therefore, a letter is best suited for process formation because it provides a position record. However, it is possible that people other people, such as opponents or the media, will get a hold of the letter. Therefore, it is essential to find out how the intended audience will receive the message. Therefore, perception is also necessary; a note should be worded clearly whether it requires a response or it just registers an opinion.
Negotiating is another tactic that is needed in creating and implementing policies. This helps smoothen the communication between two or more invested parties in the discussions. Negotiation is essential as it helps persuade the intended audience to accept any proposed policy. To successfully negotiate, it's best to develop a range of acceptable outcomes and not just one desirable outcome. The media can make or break any attempt at advocacy; therefore, it is essential to get the media in agreement with the policy. For advocacy to work, the media can help with influencing public opinion. The media strategy is also efficient as it will help the policy reach a large audience. Different scenarios and cultures require different approaches in the system. Therefore, awareness in risk management can help in situations where advocacy can turn confrontational. Informed judgment will help in deciding the best type of approach in advocacy.
Question 2
Ever since 2010, corporate money has flooded and influenced the US election. This is the aftermath of a Supreme court ruling in the Citizen United case stating that business donations amount to protected speech under the First Amendment. The US capital riot on January 6. 2021 led to some companies suspending their contributions to the political action committees. Despite the chaos, the industries such as Facebook, JP Morgan, and Walmart d not seem to have changed their policies in election spending. However, a new trend is emerging where businesses are looking towards companies to learn the best way of gaining influence in sitting governments without PAC spending. Apple and IMB are companies that don't have PAC, but their impact is felt in Washington CITATION Lau21 \l 1033 (Feiner, 2021). This approach is has helped CEOs of both companies to sit at a table on President Trump's American Workforce Policy Advisory Board to the benefit of their respective companies. Therefore, not having a PAC has not d...
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