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Women, Development, and Globalization

Essay Instructions:

Follow the prompt I uploaded. Please be extremely careful on appropriately citing sources! Always marks it clearly to avoid plagiarism.


FEMST 30: WOMEN, DEVELOPMENT, & GLOBALIZATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES Due on GauchoSpace, Friday March 1st by 10pm The paper assignment is an opportunity for you to learn more about a specific development project while applying analytical concepts you have learned about in this class. This is a highly structured paper assignment, which means you should carefully follow the guidelines below. TOPIC The purpose of your paper is to inform the reader about a specific development event or project, and to help the reader understand it through a feminist analysis. The subject of your paper must be specific. For example, instead of writing a general paper about development projects that aim to improve “slum” conditions, you could write about the Kibera Integrated Water Sanitation and Waste Management Project undertaken by UNHABITAT in 2014. Your topic may relate to infrastructure (housing, transportation, water, energy, communication, etc.), agriculture, land use, foreign investment, human capacity development, or any other type of development project we have talked about in this class. If you are unsure about whether your desired topic is appropriate for this assignment, ask your TA. When selecting your topic be sure that there are scholarly resources and other quality sources that you can rely on and cite in your paper. ORGANIZATION Organize your paper in the following sections: Introduction Guiding question: what should the reader expect? Set the scene. Tell your reader what your paper is about and what argument you will make in your paper (thesis statement). In other words, what conclusions you will come to at the end. Your introduction should be about ½ page. Background details Guiding question: what will help the reader understand the context of this project? Tell your reader all of the important details you think are important to your topic. This will include information about where your topic is, when it occurred, what its purpose was, who was involved, who made decisions, how it was funded, what has been accomplished, what consequences there have been, etc. This is the expository portion of the paper – meaning it is intended to describe something. Recommended length: 1-2 pages Analysis part one Guiding question: from whose perspective and needs was this project designed, implemented, and assessed? Use what you have learned about political ideology, neo-imperialism, and approaches to development to analyze your topic for who it serves. Does this project fulfill a need expressed by the people it serves? Have the people most affected by this project had a say in how it happens or whether it happens at all? What ideological assumptions are built into the project and whom do they serve? How does this project interact with social inequalities related to socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, ability, etc.? Analysis part two Guiding question: What role does neoliberal globalization play in this project? Use the information you have learned in this class to analyze your topic in relation to neoliberalism and market globality. Does this project foreground the individual as the important unit of society or does it focus on collective welfare? Does this project aim to reduce government oversight while promoting private or corporate interests? Does this project shift or intensify responsibility for survival and socially necessary labor onto individual families/women? Is this project economically, socially, or ecologically sustainable? Does this project impose forms of structural violence? Analysis part three Guiding question: How has that project specifically affected women? Use what you have learned about patriarchy, feminist interventions in development, and feminist global justice, to analyze your topic in relation to women as a class. Does this project address issues of gender? How does this project interact with existing social inequalities between men and women? Does it seek to resolve gendered oppression, or does it use a “gender neutral” or “gender blind” approach? How does this project address the needs of women and girls? Does this project work toward women’s empowerment? Conclusion Guiding question: what should the reader take away from this paper? Remind your reader what you have been talking about and summarize your conclusions about your topic here. Your conclusion should include a thesis statement that matches the one from your intro but is phrased in a new way. This is where you wrap everything up so that the reader feels a sense of completion – they read your paper, they learned something, and they know what your point was. Your conclusion should be about ½ page. FORMATTING CHECKLIST Proper formatting is an important part of an academic paper. Not only does it serve to present your work in a professional and attractive manner, but it makes it easier for your TA to read and grade the quality of your writing and argument. The more closely you follow the organization and formatting guidelines, the easier it will be for your TA to determine that you have fulfilled the requirements of the assignment. Check off each of the requirements below before turning in your paper: Minimum length: your paper should be at least six full pages long and should contain at least 1500 words, not including the bibliography. Indicate the word count of your paper after your conclusion Maximum length: your paper should not exceed 2500 words File format: save and upload your file to GauchoSpace as a pdf Font: use times new roman font in size 12 pt Spacing: double space your text Bibliography: provide in-text citations and a properly formatted bibliography in APA style. Each time you rely on information that is not common knowledge you should provide an in-text citation. All direct quotes must be cited. Visit the Purdue University OWL site for APA guidelines. Required citations: Cite at least 5 scholarly secondary sources in your paper. Two of these must be from our course texts and two of them must be from outside our course texts. You may also cite reliable but non-scholarly sources such as newspaper articles, government websites, NGO websites, dictionaries, etc. but these do not count toward your 5 required sources. You are encouraged to cite primary sources about your topic. This would include things like an official website for the project, project documents, and personal testimony from people involved in the project. Keywords: use at least 10 keywords from our course in your paper. The first time you use a keyword it should be in bold font so that your TA can easily count them. Thesis statement: your thesis statement must be underlined so that your TA can easily know what your paper is about

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women, Development, and Globalization
Student’s Name
For the past two decades, globalization has affected the lives of women in developing countries in a lot of ways. Globalization is the comprehensive economic, geographic, political, and cultural process whereby the mobility of capital, ideas, and organizations has taken a global form. Human development has enlarged the capabilities and choices of people to enjoy more opportunities. Additionally, women are estimated to contribute 52% of the global work while men are estimated to contribute 48%. However, women face a lot of discrimination and disadvantages when it comes to paid work. As a result, several development projects have been prompted and their main aim is improving such conditions in the society. Gender Innovation Lab is a project in Ethiopia. GIL works in partnership with the World Bank Groups and it receives its support through the World Bank Group's Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE). Gender Innovation Lab has also partnered with the United States and the United Kingdom in funding of its projects. Gender Innovation Lab had addressed various projects in Ethiopia like empowering women through social programs, entrepreneurship and has also target adolescent girls through vocational training.
Key words: Human development, capital, Globalization, Human development Index, Multidimensional Poverty Index, Feminism, Gender and Development, Women and Development, Social conditions.
Background Information
The World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovations Lab is an example of a project that assesses all the outcomes of development in Africa. In Ethiopia, Gender Innovation Lab has been successful and has succeeded in eliminating the gender gap that exists in earnings, productivity, agency and assets. GIL supports the design of scalable and innovative interventions to address the challenge of gender inequality, women empowerment, and some of the challenges facing adolescent girls in the country. The main goal of this project is advocating gender balance and integration. The world Bank Group was founded in 1944 and it is one of the largest sources of funding and development solutions around the world (O'Campo, & Dunn, 2012). For example in 2001 WBG gave about $59 million in equity grants, loans, and investments to its members.
Women play a major role when it comes to economic development or the general development of any society. Gender innovation Lab was started after the launching of the World Bank Gender mainstreaming strategy. The research that was conducted stated that a society that discriminate people in terms of gender, experiences less economic growth and increased levels of poverty compared to the societies that treat both men and women equally. Gender disparities cause inefficient outcomes in the economy. For Instance, if Ethiopia had closed the gender gap from 1960 to 1992 like East Asia did, and then the per capita income could have doubled in the country.
Gender systems have a great impact on labor productivity and allocation in the economy. When it comes to productivity, if women had an equal as access to farms as men, then the total agricultural outputs can increase from 6 percent to 20 percent in Ethiopia. GIL recommends that if women are considered as reliable, productive, and cheap labor force, they can make them a preferred workforce in corporations and large organizations. Therefore the recognition of women as reliable resources has aimed at alleviation of poverty in Ethiopia. Gender Innovation Lab hubs at human development by increasing human capabilities whereby women are involved in activities that can improve their lives. Human development is measured using the Human Development Index that focuses on three dimensions namely long and healthy life, ability to acquire skills and life expectancy and the ability to have a decent standard of living. HDI is measured by Gross National income per capita. Human Development Index also measures inequality whereby the Gender Development Index is used to compare both the HDI value of men and women. The Gender Inequality Index is used to highlight the empowerments of women and the Multidimensional Poverty Index is used to measure poverty.
Analysis Part A
One of the main efforts of the Gender Innovation lab is to identify some of the scalable solutions for the economic empowerment of women in Ethiopia. GIL has practitioners who have assisted in addressing the problem of gender constraints and some of the challenges facing adolescent girls like early pregnancies, and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. The project has been able to deepen the capacity of gender-informed policy making, investments and policy-making and has also supported programs to promote economic development. One of the ideologies of this project is that gender equality and empow...
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