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Family Systems: Emotional Development Issues Research

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I got some quoting from our textbook. attached addition instructions file
Children who have permissive parents are more dependent on others and self-control. Children of parents who are not involved have emotional development issues.(Broderick, 2015).
One factor that can either be a protective factor or a risk factor for a child to develop healthy is the presence or abstinence of a parent in the household and the parenting style. (Broderick, 2015)

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Family Systems
A person’s interaction with people and the environment influences their development while they learn and exhibit certain behaviors, with the school and family being agents of socialization. Peers and the neighborhood are also aspects of the immediate environment that influence how they secure attachment during development. Self-understanding is a key pillar of personality, social, and moral development (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). Self-understanding is a component of development that is cultivated in the family system. Additionally, "the process of self-development as on that originates from observing the reflected appraisals of others, primarily attachment figures" (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015)."
Then self-development process depends on how we observe others and the environment, and reflect on what we have appraised. Attachment figures have more influence since one interacts more often with them at the early stages of development. It is through interactions that people imagine about their appearance to the other person, and this is followed by interpretation of how the other people reevaluate certain dimensions (Shepard, 2013). People inevitably experience emotional response to their perceptions about the other person’s appraisal (Shepard, 2013). This illustrates that the development of self is mostly affected by social influences, and the family and the society that shape a person’s self esteem.
As people form self-understanding they gain more insights about themselves and this includes moral beliefs that not only influence their behavior but also their perceptions about themselves (Henderson & Thompson, 2011). The family system plays a crucial role in cultivating a positive sense of worth since people who grow up in loving relationships exhibit positive attachment behaviors. As children grow they inevitably form relationships with the siblin...
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