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Family in TV Land

Essay Instructions:


Assignment - Family in TV Land


This assignment provides you the opportunity to explore some of the changes in U.S. families and reflect on the evolution of the American family as portrayed in television.


Families have been with us for a very long time. It is probably true that the family is changing faster than any other social institution (Bianchi and Spain, 1996). U.S. families are changing in response to a higher divorce rate, a fast growing blended family structure, and the desire for women to have more career options and to provide better lives for their children.

Television is a powerful medium that has continually reinvented images of the American family over the past sixty years. Arguably, television has created an idealized image of the American family and not always a realistic depiction of what the typical family structure looks like. Obviously, media is a powerful agent of socialization that often dictates what we 'think we should be doing.' However, as times have changed, so have the images of family on television. This assignment will explore some of those changes and ask you to reflect on the evolution of the American family as portrayed in television.

The assignment begins with "Father Knows Best" (1954-1963). Here is the website for this show that gives a lot of information about the show, its characters, and content. I want you to read one of the magazine articles on this website from TV Guide that was published during the time the show was syndicated. You will want to make some notes about what you learned about the show including audience reception, characters, and the content of the show.

Next, you will watch a full-length episode of the show (these can be found on the website or on YouTube). You will then begin a content analysis of the show and you will do this for two other shows as well.

Here is what you will be looking for in the episode(s):

Gender roles and family structure (mother, father, children)

Parents as figures of authority

Children (manners, obedience to authority)

Content of the show (what message was the show trying to send to the audience?) How is the content reflective of the average American family at the time? (or not)

Choose one sit-com episode from the following list of sit-coms from 70s and 80s, watch in its entirety, and follow the same episode guideline questions above:

One Day at a Time

All in the Family

Good Times

Cosby Show

Family Ties

Married with Children

Finally, choose one of the following contemporary shows to view, following episode guideline questions:

Modern Family,


Gilmore Girls

Now, you will synthesize all of the analysis you have done from the TV Guide article and three episodes of tv from different decades into a 2-3 page paper.

Submission: Save your paper as "Family in TV Land_Your Last Name.docx" and submit it as an attachment by clicking the link above the title of this assignment.


This assignment is worth a total of 40 points. Here is the grading rubric for your paper:

Include a summary of the "Father Knows Best" TV Guide article and why this show was considered such a hit during its time. (5 points)

Discuss each of the three episodes, including the episode guide questions.(10 points)

Identify patterns of family structure or messages within the episodes that you see emerging.(10 points)

Contrast the gender roles, content, and family structures that reflect the evolution of the TV family. (10 points)

Proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure count! (5 points)

WordsCharactersReading time
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Family in TV Land
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Family in TV Land
The family is one of the oldest institutions known to man. According to Bianchi and Spain (1996), the institution of family is probably the fastest changing social institution. For instance, rapid changes in the institution of family in the United States has been driven by the exceptionally high rates of divorce cases, a fast-growing blended family structure, and the increased desire by women to have more career options and be the leading providers in the family. Television, one of the most powerful communication medium, has played an important role in how people view family in American society over the last half a decade. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to explore some of the changes in the family and how they have been reflected in television over the years.
Father Knows Best
“Father Knows Best” is one of the most beloved television series that ran on TV network from 1954 to 1963. It was arguably the most popular television series in the 50s and 60s and is a classic example of American Pop Culture at its pinnacle. The cast members of the show were relatively experienced with four out of the five members of the main cast having been involved in successful movies before. The show featured high-quality direction and production values including movie-style camera work and lighting. A lot of attention was paid to literate dialogue and more realistic props and details were applied to the set. All these combined delightfully to give the show a very professional feel and look.
However, it is not the professional feel that brought success to the show but the character interaction and development. The show might have been titled “Father Knows Best” but Jim Anderson, the paternal figure in the show, was more like a ‘Dad.” He was a responsible parent whose love for his kids and wife was manifested in his sacrifices for his family. Nothing came before his family and this took a lot of delicate balancing to pull off. In conclusion, this show was such a hit during this time that it continued to be aired on various television networks years after its production ended. In fact, as recent as 2003, it was still being aired on TVLand.
The first episode of the first season of the show revolves around Bud Anderson, Jim Anderson’s son, and how he is preparing for his first dance and date with a girl at school. The family structure in the show consists of a father, mother, two daughters and a son. The parents are, unsurprisingly, the figures of authority as i...
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