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“To what degree are our problems in life a product of society’s values and expectations of us?”

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to the following question:

“To what degree are our problems in life a product of society’s values and expectations of us?”

Questions to help you think:

1. Are we our own worst enemies when it comes to solving our problems? Can we become our own saviors?

2. Should people alter their expectations of us based on our feelings or are we responsible for making our own choices regardless of what is expected of us?

3. How would Gay and Nagle answer this question? Do they assume a particular answer? Does it agree with yours?

4. Are we fully responsible for our own choices (and their consequences) or is society to blame?

As you answer the question, remember to consider and stress analysis of the authors’ assumptions. In this paper, I expect you to deepen your analysis of the texts and to use your analysis as a way of explaining your arguments. Remember to read closely, think deeply, and focus on the significance of the authors’ tone, word choice, and assumptions!

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To What Degree Are Our Problems in Life A Product of Society’s Values and Expectations of Us?
All humans are the architects of their destinies. People often do now want to shoulder the responsibilities of their actions and blame others and the society for their own shortcomings when they should rather find fault in themselves and correct it. It seems to be the human nature that the people want to feel good of themselves and that includes misconstruing facts and finding the issue outside themselves while it is all in them. Humans are more likely to take credit for ‘their’ achievements but deflect their failures and find people, things, circumstances to blame. Most of the problems they face have stemmed from their poor decisions and since they do not like to swallow the bitter pill, they find other people to blame and vehemently ‘defend’ themselves. However, it is undeniable that every person has degree of choice on some things and the society has its expectations of him/her which he/she must obey.
Though many problems are multifactorial, the people are selective in ‘seeing’ what is the root cause of their problems. They carefully choose the factors that suit them and or protect their egos. For any problem, they overlook the issues that likely stem from themselves and focus on those that are likely caused by other issues outside themselves. If only they could look inward and accept the responsibilities for each problem and or challenge they encounter they could find the solutions to the problems faster and spend less time and resources justifying that other factors are to blame. Rather, people should have the mentality that all problems are theirs in design and making until they can prove that they are indeed caused by other external factors. This mentality can always prompt them to objectively look at their possible contribution to the problem and find ways to correct it and or avoid it next time. People have always gravitated to find the cause of problems outside themselves and not with the intention of solving them, but offloading the responsibility on the issue they find to be the cause of the problem to shield their egos. By changing the way they see the problems in their lives, they can find better solutions and eventually solve the problems and improve themselves.
Everyone is always responsible for his/her own choices regardless of what is expected of him/her. An individual’s complacency to the society’s expectations cannot be blamed or justified for his/her wrong choices. For every choice a person has, it has its consequences and every decisionmaker must be ready to bear the consequences for his/her decisions. People will always have their expectations of other people. Each person should, therefore, be very choosy on meeting other people’s expectations because they stem from very different ideas, beliefs, opinions he/she may not possibly understand. Additionally, for every group of people whose expectations are met, there is another group which is of different opinions. No one cannot possibly meet all the expectations bestowed on him/her on how he/she should run his/her life. Additionally, for every group of people whose expectations are met, there is another group which is of different opinions. In most cases, there are two opposing expectations from people which means for every group whose expectations are met, there is another group which is overlooked. Since no one can simultaneously meet the expectations of the two groups, a wise person understands that he/she can never meet all the expectations of the people and resorts to make their own independent choices backed by their own reasons. They understand that they must bear the consequences of these decisions irrespective of the expectations.
Nagle and gay show how the society influences the thought process of its members. CITATION Nag16 \l 1033 (Nagle, 2016) shows that the society is responsibl...
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