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Brief Description of Extinction of Behavior Assignment

Essay Instructions:

For this week's discussion, post a brief description of extinction of behavior, citing at least one example. Be sure to use at least one reference.

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Extinction of Behavior

The occurrence of behavior is affected by withholding reinforcement, where the reinforcing consequences influence changes depending on the settings and the stimuli. Extinction refers to the process of discontinuing behavior that had previously been reinforced, and then the specific behavior decreases over time. There is a need to identify the reinforcing consequences that are closely related to extinction of behavior rather than requiring an aversive stimulus. This type of stimuli suppresses behavior after punishment while increasing behavior when there is a negative reinforcement (Fisher, Piazza, & Roane, 2011). Reinforcement supports behavior and withholding it then means that the behavior would likely die out. However, there may also be resistance to extinction when the behavior continues even after holding back the reinforcer.
After identifying the reinforcing consequences, they must be applied consistently to achieve behavioral changes. However, there is likely to be a problem in behavior when using extinction procedures. Change of the behavior over time through extinction of the environment is altered to ensure that the maintaining consequences will no longer influence the extinction of the behavior (Fisher, Piazza, & Roane, 2011). Even though, withholding the maintaining reinforces facilitates extinction, it is also possible to ignore the problem and extinction of the behavior. Not all forms of decrease in behavior refer to extinction if the reinforcement is not withdrawn. Positive reinforcement is related to presenting the stimulus while negative reinforcement relates to removing the stimulus.
The extinction of a behavioral problem can be experienced in the classroom when there are disruptive students. They may then make statements or doing things to get the attention of the teacher. If the teacher reacts, there is likelihood that this will reinforce the ideas. There is also a possibility that the behavior may occur for longer duration and at a higher frequency even when withholding the reinforcement. This occurs when the student tries to be more disruptive to elicit attention and reaction while creating problems for the other learners. The teacher’s reaction is a form of reductive non-punishment based approaches and there are two options for extinction of behavior by either through positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement (Gresham, 2015).
In the example of a student, even if they do not receive positive reinforcement from the teacher, they are likely to get this from fellow students who giggle or make gestures. One approach to dealing with the problem could be taking the student away from the classroom for some time where there is no longer positive reinforcement. It becomes easier to reduce the problem in behavior as there is extinction. However, the student should be made to understand the acceptable behaviors and reasons for them to be given a time out, but this should be chosen when there are no reinforcers. However, the time-out sessions may be ineffective as they are like punishments.
Since interventions reduce behavior, ex...
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