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Comparison on REBT with CBT, Solution Focused Theory and Psychoanalysis

Essay Instructions:

This is a comparison paper with Rational Emotional Behaviors Theory is my choose selected theory which is(REBT) VS Cognitive Behavior theory, Solution-Focused theory and Psychoanalysis instruction are added along with chapter 17. I need four resources the book must be one of them all must scholarly resources with in-text-citation. I need in 10 days
I changed my chosen field from Browen to REBT ok
I forgot to add I need an introduction and a conclusion and an reference page

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparison of REBT With Other Theories
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a detailed and advanced form of psychotherapy that aims to rectify the conduct of the socially ill people in the society. It teaches the clients how to handle and think critically when faced with situations that cause extreme anger. Rational emotive behavior assumes that every human being has the rational and the irrational aspect. The rational aspect has to overshadow the rational dimension so that the people can be in tandem with each other, avoid internal conflict, and be of sound mind (Walen et al., 1992). In 1955 Dr. Albert Ellis, had noticed that psychotherapy did not fully solve the problems of their clients effectively. As a results, he combined the philosophy and psychology to come up with a synergized effect. (Ellis, 2004). Rational emotive behavior tries to adjust the view of clients when they face disturbing incident showing them that they do have options, a positive and a negative choice. This article compare and contrast this therapy with the cognitive behavior theory and the solution-focused theory and psycoanalysis instruction.
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology was developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, in the 1960s. The theory that revolves around the perspective that if we want to understand people, we also need to understand the issues such as the internal process of their minds; the term cognition means "knowing". Cognitive psychology can, therefore, be described as the study of human mental process and their feeling together with their behavior (Ellis, A. (2013).).Cognitive psychology had the greatest significance in 1950. Some of the major factors that contributed to this include; A lot of dissatisfaction with the behaviorist approach in its shallow emphasis regarding external behavior instead of the internal processes, development of new and better experimental techniques and the comparison of human behavior to the computer.
Standard interventions of Cognitive Behavior theory
There are various ways in which CBT can be delivered, keeping focus on important factors. Application of Cognitive behavior theory calls for a number of interventions which include self-instruction, relaxation, developing adaptive and coping strategies, changing various maladaptive beliefs and setting personal goals (O'Connell et al., 2003). In some cases, treatment of an individual might be analyzed with direct treatment of the person’s psychological disorder. These are usually specific driven techniques.
Similarities and Differences between Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Therapy
The primary theoretical and the practical application of REBT and Cognitive behavioral theory have been reviewed and found to have some similarities. However, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy bases its central concept of neurotic disorder on philosophical and humanistic bases while Cognitive behavioral therapy bases its main concepts on the empirical outcome (O'Connell et al., 2003). Both Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and CBT, however, apply the philosophic together with empirical outcome study to come up and validate the theories.
Solution-focused brief therapy
Solution-focused brief therapy which is also known as solution focused therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach based on building solution instead of solving problem. Although the concept presents various problems, it usually explores a person’s current situation and resources in the future. This assists in looking forward and applies their strength towards achieving their goals.As suggested by the name, this SFBT is usually taken as a time-limited approach. However, the method is usually integrated into other long-term therapy approach, and the impact can last for a long time (Walen et al., 1992).
Rather than just dwelling on a person’s weaknesses and other limitations, SFBT approach focuses on a person’s strength and his or her possibilities to assist the moving forward. The approach works by assisting individuals to overcome their problems without facing them directly but through solution building and fostering change by assisting the individuals to develop clear and concise goals. It is the role of SFBT psychologists to assist in implementing these solutions through a series of discussions.
Similarities and Differences between Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Solution-focused brief therapy
In REBT, Albert Ellis reviews the nature of a person as a different and unique that can be either rational or irrational, or even sensible or crazy. Ellis believes being rational o...
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