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HLS 615 Discussion Forum: Two Separate Terrorism Events

Essay Instructions:

All the information needed was provided i copied and paste each page that is needed because I couldn't attach the book file. All they have to do is separate each page of the reading labeled by page number and follow the instructions.
In Discussion Forum 2, post your response to the following discussion question. You are required to respond to a minimum of two (2) other students; however, students must read all other posts. Posts should be made in a scholarly manner, including citing and referencing your sources. You are welcome to use other resources in addition to the assigned readings. Responses should be concise while also answering the questions completely.
Using two separate terrorism events (see pages 136-143 in the textbook), explain the significance of the dates on which the events occurred and describe the significance of the event and how it may have affected your life or the lives of others you know. 
PG.136 Terrorism and organized hate crime and law enforcement personnel may spend too much time analyzing dates for significance. 
After all, what is significant? This will vary based on the person, culture, and definition. 
Following the tragic train bombing events in Madrid, Spain, some analysts and academics looked for significance. It was noted that both events occurred on the eleventh day of a month, if one uses a Gregorian calendar. Both took place during months that through their numeric equivalent are divisible by three. One last piece of information that was observed was the continuation of the number three, in the number of years between the two. Is any of this significant? What about the fact that 2004 was a leap year? What is the significance of that, if any? 
Dates of terrorism significance There are many significant dates in the world of terrorism beyond September 11, 2001. A list 
of dates that may have potential significance in terrorism based on a traditional Western 
Gregorian calendar is outlined in this section. The significance of any date is based on several variables, including personal perception, personal ideology, group ideology, calendar 
used, religion followed, and culture. Items such as celebrations, major events, or even the 
weather should be noted when monitoring dates.
This list is not all-inclusive and is largely based on events that have occurred since 
1968. It is also void of many events that have occurred in North America such as abortion clinic bombings; ecological events; and many incidents attributed to domestic-based, 
Puerto Rican, Jewish Defense League, and anti-Castro groups.

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Discussion Forum 2
Course title:
Discussion Forum 2
The two selected terrorism events are (i) Truck bomb detonated by Timothy McVeigh on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma which resulted in the killing of 168 people on April 19, 1995; and (ii) on 2 April 2003, Jemaah Islamia exploded a bomb on a jam-packed passenger quay that killed 16 in the Philippines. Terrorists usually choose important dates to carry out their attacks (Ronczkowski, 2012). The dates on which these two events took place are significant since both of these events took place in the month of April and the dates are meaningful to the terrorists.
The two events are both significant in that they resulted in the death of very many innocent people. For instance, the Oklahoma City bombings led to the death of 168 innocent people and injured over 100 people. However, the bomber, Timothy McVeigh was later sentenced to capital punishment and executed on eleventh of June of 2001 (Smith, 2011). The other terrorism event on the jam-packed passenger wharf in the Philippines led to the loss of 16 lives. These events affected the lives of other people ...
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