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Exploitation of Social Divisions for Political Mileage

Essay Instructions:

Here are the instructions.

Attached are the videos and the class book. If you could use those as some references that’d be great.

1000-word essay with the following components: Answer one of the three questions using evidence (quotations and paraphrases) from both the Iyengar Textbook and the Kirsch Video Lectures, (750 words) and then also summarize two peer-reviewed journal articles (found on JSTOR or EBSCO, dated no earlier than 2015) that provide background or engagement with this subject by stating their hypothesis or research question, their method for finding answers, and their findings/conclusions (each summary about 125 words, two summaries totalling 250 words).

Please do not turn in your paper with your name on the pdf document. It needs to be anonymous for peer reviewing later in the semester.


Question Options (Choose ONE of the following for a 1000 word essay with citations):

In what ways have social divisions, such as race, class, or gender, been utilized (or, if you like, exploited or exacerbated) by candidates for public office in the U.S. in the past several decades?

Following McChesney, in what way is candidate and party behavior structured/influenced/compelled by the political economy of the mass media?


Also summarize TWO peer reviewed journal articles that seem to address the above questions.

Summary of the two peer reviewed sources (which should be from journals like Political Communication, or perhaps Perspectives on Politics, The Forum, or New Political Science) should include the title and author and date in the citation, as well as a summary of the question they asked in their research, what they did (the method they used) to find new information or data, the conclusions or findings they reached, and what could be done to either challenge or support their findings (a new method or updated or more thorough information).

(Your paper will be assessed based on whether your piece follows the assignment’s directions (i.e. answering one of the above questions directly, taking evidence and citations from the textbook, source material from this Canvas module such as the video lectures or articles). Try to keep in mind the quality of your thesis, the use of evidence, quality of analysis, mechanics, and organization. Source citations (which should be in Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), (not ALA or APA) should not come from internet searches, but rather from reading material and lectures included in this module, and from the library's JSTOR or EBSCO databases, and must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Side note:

The last assignment that was like this the professor said it was good but they did mention to make sure to answer AL the questions listed in the peer review summary. I guess on the last assignment we didn’t mention what they did (the method they used) to find new information or data for their peer review.

Pretty much when they’re grading they just make sure all the questions asked are answered. And emphasis a lot on the methods they used in their research.

Please use references from below Thanks ! If you have any questions message me!



((Chapter 6’s 6.5-6.12. 6.17 and both sides of chapter 7))

Chapter 6 part A


Chapter 6 part B


Chapter 6 part C


Chapter 7 part A


Chapter 7 part B



Also you can use this book as a reference

-Media Politics: A Citizen’s Guide

by Shanto iyengar 4th edition

You can get access to the book on



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Exploitation of Social Divisions for Political Mileage
Student Name
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COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Exploitation of Social Divisions for Political Mileage
The natural psychological human need to belong is vital for prosperity in all areas of life. However, it is also a poignant tool that increasingly promotes divisive politics in democratic societies. In the past several decades, politicians have utilized, exploited, or even exacerbated social divisions to gain political mileage in what scholars have described as the politics of othering CITATION van184 \l 2057 (van Hooren, 2018) or the ‘us vs them’ mentality CITATION Bor21 \l 2057 (Bornschier, Häusermann, & Zollinger, 2021). The current paper aims to describe how politicians have gained a political advantage by utilizing or exploiting racial, class, and gender social divisions in the past few decades. The role of media, particularly social media, is even more critical.
Immigration and Immigrants
The basis for the politics of othering or the 'us v. them' phenomenon is identifying a specific social group and then establishing a common, often minority group CITATION Bor21 \l 2057 (Bornschier, Häusermann, & Zollinger, 2021). Immigrants, for instance, are blamed for taking American jobs, increasing poverty, crime, and distortion of American culture. Armed with these arguments, politicians like President Donald Trump gained extensive political mileage in conservative states that push for strict immigration laws. At the same time, some politicians have gained prominence in recent years, such as House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, partially because of viciously fighting back against these misplaced arguments. Thus, on the one hand, a politician can gain popularity, particularly among the Whites majority, by othering immigrants as the cause of American problems. On the other hand, politicians can become powerful because they have made it their mission to end discriminative immigration laws. Such politicians are perceived to be fighting for the meek in society.
Racial Divisions
Racial divisions are also a poignant issue in countries like the United States. Some politicians have fought to end the problem in the country and have earned political popularity through doing so. President Obama, for instance, was perceived as a unifying figure in the political arena, providing what is thought as a social justification for having the first non-white president. Similarly, President Biden exploited the social divisions of racism that had culminated in the Black Lives Matter Movement, fueled by the earlier polarization by President Trump's administration. In his campaign, he promised to mend the social divisions that the previous administration had exacerbated. Here, there is a similar pattern of a social division being used as a campaign or political promise. Some politicians, however, have also gained popularity by holding positions that seem to worsen racial divisions.
Gender Divisions
In terms of gender divisions, Hörst and GroenendaalCITATION Hör20 \n \t \l 2057 (2020) argue that right-wing populist movements in the Western Sphere significantly between countries. Still, they have the everyday basis of exploitation of archaic, limited gender roles. An example is Donald Trump's objectifying comments about women in the 2016 campaign show a subtle and deliberate effort to push women back into their traditional roles of mothers and household managers. In Germany, parties like the AfD have promoted traditional imagery of women. In this case, men and women become othered because the same way immigrants are accused of taking jobs is the same way women, white or not, are perceived to be taking over men's roles. However, within lies a paradox in wh...
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