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WTO’s Dispute Resolution and the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)

Essay Instructions:

-It is an timed paper on Tuesday, April 12, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Toronto time. The duration is three hours.

-I will send you the question at 9 am.

-Four specific themes can be found below. Two narrower questions will be asked based on two of these themes.

  • Write your answers in the Word file I will send you. Submit your file through Quercus before the deadline.
  • You are expected to be familiar with, and to base your answers on, the class notes and the required videos and required readings assigned in the course. The use of suggested readings or additional credible sources will not be penalized, but it is not expected.
  • Make sure all the relevant personal information (e.g., name, student number) is on the first page. Failure to do so might result in a penalty.
  • If you quote directly from a source or an author, list the author’s name, year of publication and page (if available) in parenthesis in the text and in a more detailed form at the end of your answer (I do not insist on a specific format). See the exam sheet for an illustration for in-text citation.
  • Your text should be written in full sentences. A specific font size will be required. Paragraphs should be organized in a clear and coherent fashion (typically one idea per paragraph). Do not overuse block quotes. Occasional use of bullet points to list arguments for and against a proposition is acceptable.
  • Your answer should be written from a first-person perspective (i.e., use “I”, “me”, and “my” in this assignment).
  • Please note that there might not always be a right or wrong answer. If you are asked to give your opinion, make sure to explain what the problem raised in the question is about, present arguments on both sides of the controversy if warranted, and come up with a conclusion that is backed up with the arguments you have discussed in earlier paragraphs.
  • There is no specific word or page limits, but you are not expected to submit more material than could be written in 3 hours in the context of an open book examination. Overly long answers will be penalized.
  • Please note that one question might be worth more than another. I suggest you answer them accordingly (i.e., devote more space and time to the one that is worth more.)

This examination is worth 20% of your course grade. Answer all questions drawing on class material and course readings/videos to support your answers. The use of additional sources is not expected. Each question is worth 10 marks for an examination total of 20 marks 

You can use a combination of complete sentences and bullet points to answer the questions in the space provided 

Answer all questions in Times New Roman or Arial 11-point font, single or double spaced.

In answering the questions, you do not have to provide references for lecture material other than the lecture number (e.g., lecture 7), but you must provide references for any ideas, arguments or wording from the readings with in-text citations as follows (author, year of publication and page numbers, if applicable), for example (Anwar, 2014: 847). Put the full reference in a bibliography at the end of your answer. The style doesn’t matter as long as the full information (author(s), title, source, year, page numbers, web link if available) is included.

Completed examinations must be submitted by 12pm, April 12 to Quercus. Contact me immediately at

Late submissions will not be accepted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1. Provide a concise description of the WTO’s dispute resolution mechanism (list 4 items). List three (3) answers provided by WTO defenders against the charge that the organization is not democratic. What is your take on the democratic character (or not) of the WTO’s dispute resolution mechanism? How was foreign aid defined in this class and what kind of monetary arrangements does it entail? Summarize the “two gap” model along with the role it entails for experts and foreign donors. According to the “odious debt” doctrine, what makes a debt “odious”? WTO’s Dispute Resolution WTO’s dispute resolution process involves consultation of the affected parties and third parties towards achieving an amicable solution. The process can be summarized using major items. v  Informal consultations: it is the first step where the parties are invited for consultations.  v  Investigative panel: the second step taken when the first step fails. The complaining party requests an appointment of a three-member panel. v  Report and recommendations: the panel collects both oral and written submissions from the parties, after which it issues its report and recommendations regarding the issue. v  Appellate review: in the event that a party is not satisfied with the panel’s recommendations, they may seek an appellate review with respect to the law and legal interpretations of the panel. Democratic Nature of WTO The three arguments that defenders of the WTO give for accusations of the entity not being democratic include: 1)      The WTO has no powers to impose anything on anybody. 2)      The WTO only advocates for freer trade through advocating for environmental standards. There are no legal or economic conflicts between these trade and the environmental standards, and hence any actions that the WTO undertakes are designed to protect the ecosystem. 3)      Thirdly, the WTO makes decisions based on the votes cast by representatives of all countries around the world. Therefore, with all members having equal powers, it is impossible to claim that the entity is undemocratic in its decisions. My take on the democratic nature of the WTO is that, indeed, the WTO is undemocratic. Any system that advances the interests of a specific nation or group of nations at the expense of the others is undemocratic. As Griswold (2000) posits, the WTO serves America’s national interests, and any agreements signed on trade are designed to lower the trade barriers for the US. Consequently, the US is able to access foreign markets more easily, which ultimately benefits its consumers and businesses. Thus, poor nations that go against the WTO agreement are likely to suffer from sanctions, but the US and other rich countries may not suffer from the sanctions. Foreign Trade Foreign aid is the assistance that governments or international institutions give to the needy nations for the benefit of their citizens. The aid varies in nature and can be fiscal, financial, or humanitarian. This aid takes various forms, including military aid, humanitarian assistance, multilateral aid, and disbursements. Two Gap Model The two-gap model is a study of the gap between a nation’s provision of resources and its absorptive capacity. This model operates on the assumption that most developing nations either face a shortage of domestic savings or suffer from foreign exchange constraints to finance and need capital and intermediate products. Therefore, experts and foreign donors use this assumption to determine the amount of aid to give to a specific country. Odious Debt Odious debt refers to all the debts that a predecessor state contracts with the aim of achieving specific objectives that are contrary to the interests of the successor nation. The doctrine of this debt is that the national debt that a despotic regime incurs should not be enforceable. Instead, such debts are personal debts of the regime rather than debts of the state. Therefore, a debt becomes odious if it is not meant to serve the goals of a nation. 2. Draw and give a brief explanation of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). What is the main hypothesis behind it? List three (3) possible explanations for it. What is your take on the EKC? What is the “Race to the Bottom” (RB) argument? What are the key points made against it by its critics? What is your take on this concept? Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) The EKC refers to a hypothetical relationship...
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