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Framing Technique: Actionable Solutions to Increasing Screen Time

Essay Instructions:

This short assignment involves framing the design challenge, which is part of the design thinking process to define the problem/challenge and find actionable solutions. The assignment will apply IDEO’s approach to framing a design challenge. Through this framing approach, you will be able to turn your problem into opportunities and possible solution by applying the human-centric approach of design thinking framework. In the design challenge assignment, you must include the following:

Describe your problem. What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Describe the context of your problem
Frame your design challenge. This can be a statement or question(s). With this section, you should ask yourself the following question: does the statement or question(s) focus on the final impact you are seeking? Will the statement or question(s) allows for several possible solutions? Does my statement or question(s) consider the context and constraints faced?
What impact or outcome do you expect?
Come up with possible solutions (remember to be creative, so no holding back – think big)?

The report should be between 1,000 – 1,500 words; double-spaced; and APA document.

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A design challenge is structured to aid in defining an issue or problem and proposing realistic solutions. Excessive screen time is the problem. The main problem is that people are largely spending their time on screes. However, people will only be more willing to go for a walk or play in the playground if this problem is addressed. Because they are captivated by their screens, today's children do not go outside to take a walk or engage in physical activities with their peers. IDEO's design problem-solving approach will be recognized and employed throughout the paper to address this issue. The framing technique, which uses the design thinking framework and other methods, will allow the issue to be transformed into possibilities and a feasible solution.
The Problem
People are confronted with several challenges that seek to discourage them. The main problem is that people are increasingly spending much time on screens. Therefore, the fact remains that people will be more willing to go for walks and play in parks if this problem is addressed (Sharma, 2021). Because they are captivated by their screens, today's children do not go outside to take a walk or engage in physical activities with their peers.  Although there are advantages to using screens, there are also drawbacks, such as losing the ability to write without the assistance of a software application with auto-correction and avoiding using screens before night. All of this is attributable to the advancement of technology; formerly, these difficulties were unknown.
Individuals' ability to think is deteriorating as a result of technological advancements. The proof is presented through. Is there a decrease in critical inquiry and analysis due to generation? According to a recent study, women spend six hours a day on screens, while men spend more than seven hours. Is it preferable to be buried in our phones, laptops, and other digital gadgets or to carry our heads and live our lives as they should be? Make our generation great and revolutionary by stopping the myriad atrocities that have occurred to humanity. Several studies have demonstrated excessive display time to be detrimental to people's cognitive, physical, and emotional development (Seguin, 2021). Rapid technical development may benefit several generations. People's daily usage of display media is unavoidable and will only increase as technology improves. Limit your children's screen time and show them the information they consume, leaning toward more educational apps and activities.
The problem context
We have forgotten the importance of living without our electronic gadgets (Hensel, 2021). Learning to put away our phones for long periods is as vital as learning to breathe correctly again for many of us today. Several issues and concerns were raised in the years leading up to the development and integration of interface generation into households over how much, when, or what kind of screen time and screen media should be provided to younger children. This assessment of screen time and early childhood examines the research that contradicts frequently held ideas about limiting screen time in children, the variety of consequences on health and well-being, and cognitive and language skills advancement. Telephone interviews with parents were utilized in the research to examine the mental health of children aged two to five who frolicked in front of screens (Otsuka, 2021).
The researchers attempted to account for variables like socioeconomic status and caregiver education. They were not successful because the utilization of telephone calls to evaluate the children's health based on their caregiver's reaction, on the other hand, had become a key problem (Otsuka, 2021). This is not intended to dismiss studies that reveal a link between screen use and poor attention in...
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