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Ethical Dilemma in Current Events

Essay Instructions:

• Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss an ethical dilemma related to criminal justice from a current (November 2013) story in the news. Address the following in your paper: o The nature of the dilemma o The ethical decision made o Alternative courses of action and why o The outcome of the situation • Format your paper consistent with APA format guidelines 6th edition 3 sources and 3 intext citations

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Ethical Dilemma in Current Events
Ethical dilemma in current events
Since its establishment back in 2002, the International Criminal Court has been taking part in punishing those who play a role in crimes against humanity. There is no doubt that the activities of the Hague based court have influenced positively when it comes to peace and stability across the world.
In the recent past however, the International Criminal Court has been faced with the dilemma of the African Question. The African Debate has majorly been to assess whether the International Criminal Court has been targeting African leaders unfairly. The debate came up due to the fact that several African leaders have risen up in arms in defense of their colleagues who are being tried at The Hague. The International Criminal Court being the custodian of the law that it is, feels that the African Leaders did act irrationally, taking the Kenyan situation for example, the President and the Deputy President are being accused of murder, forced eviction, rape and other crimes against humanity. The tight corner the court has found itself in is whether to continue with the trials for those leaders who are in power or to postponed the trials until such a time that the respective leaders shall have served their terms.
On November the 27, the New York Times reported that after a series of deliberations, the countries that are signatories to the Rome Statute, the Office of the International Criminal Court Prosecutor as well as a panel of legal experts, agreed that they are to easen some of the trial conditions set up for the two Kenyan leaders. The article that appeared under the world briefing section, agreed that the two Kenyan leaders would jungle up between serving their country as well as attending their trials (Gladstore, 2013).
In reaching this decision, the International Criminal Court and the panel of experts had to consider several situations. The first thing that proves that there was ethical dilemma is the fact that the leaders did participate in the said crimes. Though it said that all suspects are innocent until they are proven guilty, the Office of the Prosecutor did carry out its investigations and settled on the leaders as the ones who played a significant role in the violence that rocked Kenya after the 2007 elections. In addition, the two leaders had been tried at the pre-trial chamber three and the panel led by presiding judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, esta...
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