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Rural Crime Policing Among American Indians

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Please Note: DO NOT DO THE ABSTRACT PAGE as shown in the APA example paper The following are the only topics approved for this assignment. Please pick one: Identify and examine a successful community/police partnership or project somewhere in the U.S. that involved a marginalized group. Include the history, need and results of this successful partnership.

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The American Indians which are popularly referred as the Native Americans are among the American’s indigenous people which are found in states such as Hawahii and Alaska. Historically, they are the first people to inhabit America. Indian Americans consists of various other sub- tribes as well as ethnic groups. These group of people have a peculiar tie with US because they are sovereign and harbor treaty rights(Doyle, 2001).
Despite the fact that many rural areas in America have a low rate of crime, this is different when it comes to the Indian Americans. Instead, this community is depicted by high crime rate, which is considered as the highest in the country. The main reason behind these phenomena as Sandefur et al (2006) notes is the aspect of under policing and complexity in social structures in Indian communities and reservations. The high crime rate and under policing among the American Indian communities is what prompted the development of Indian tribe policing project in the country. In essence, American Indians are literally among the under policed marginal groups in America. This is despite the increased crime rate in the country. Again, this pattern has gone on for almost a century with no significant intervention from the federal government. Further, the prevalence of high crime and the under policing among the Indian communities is a reflection of complex relations between the government of America and the Indian communities as people who are sovereign.
This paper evaluates the rural tribe-policing project among American Indians. We examine the historical development of the Indian community policing in America and how it has shaped the present perspective of the social and the legal context of today’s American Indian security agencies. Additionally, we also assess the impact of this tribal police on law, security and order of this marginalized group.

The Need for Tribal Police among the Native Americans
The popular image in American rural areas are that of safety and being secure from criminal activities or many forms of violence. In most instances, American rural communities are mostly portrayed as being “homely” where there is no need for people locking doors since there are ”no criminals” or source of insecurity. As many people think and perceive, rural America is almost free from harm, whether in the streets or the neighborhoods. This image is also supported by the National statistics and data. For instance, a survey conducted by the National Crime Victimization noted that in rural areas, crime and victimization happen at almost half the rate as the case in cities and towns (Catalano, 2006).
However, as we have already explained, this notion is not realized among all tribes in the country. In particular, the American Indians have been depicted by violent crimes and victimization, where their rate have been found to be twice high as that of other tribes in general. More spectacular is the fact the criminal and victimization rate among the native Americans is almost twice compared to second group with the highest crime and victimization rate (Catalano, 2006).
It should also be noted that a large number of American Indian tribes are living in rural areas. Infact as Doily (2004) notes, approximately 80% of Indian Americans are living in rural America. One major issue that can be used to explain this high rate of crime and victimization among the American Indian tribes as we have already noted is the aspect of under policing a...
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