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Environment. Regulating Climate Change. Social Sciences Essay

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u can pick a topic related to the environment. whatever it is. like climate change or nuclear energy. Environment. Regulating Climate Change

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Regulating Climate Change
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There has been raising international concerns over the issue of climate change. The emission of greenhouse gasses by industries and other infrastructure needs to be controlled. Doing so requires the implementation of regulations which are meant to govern the concerned parties on how to adopt sustainable practices. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the main driver of climate change initiative among nations. The regulations set by the organization under the Kyoto Protocol are meant to motivate the nations to achieve their greenhouse emission targets. Aside from that, regulations are important in helping companies adapt to sustainable practices. The regulatory bodies offer important information on future predictions which help companies to modify their infrastructure while considering these future changes. To address the issue of greenhouse gas emission, the regulations should focus mainly on the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the most common source of energy and the largest source of carbon monoxide. Regulating its use would have a significant effect on the reduction of greenhouse gas emission.
Keywords: Greenhouse gas emission, Regulations.
Regulating Climate Change
The growing global concerns about climate change has led to national and international commitments to reverse the increased emission of greenhouse gasses, which have greatly contributed to climate change. Owing to the complexity of the problem, international organizations and countries are looking for various effective solutions at all levels, hence changing the direction of the regulatory architectures of the environmental system and the old-fashioned configuration of the state. The attempts to address the issue of climate change point out to the responsibilities of the states and how they are actively involved in combating social practices within nations, which are considered to contribute to climate change. The states have set up regulatory frameworks that are organized according to the global, local, and regional environmental problems. Nonetheless, while the scope of these regulations might align with the spatial dimension of the issue being tackled, there is a likelihood for global problems to trickle down to the local level. Similarly, local environmental issues can also be dealt with on a regional level. Nevertheless, regulations play an important part in enabling effective adaptation to climate change, as well as regulating greenhouse gas emissions to address the issue of climate change.
The industrial and post-industrial society has been dependent on burning fossil fuels to power their operations. Because of the effectiveness and affordability of fossil fuels, these industries have been torn between environmental protection and sustainability on the one hand, and development and economic growth on the other. Recently, the dependence on fossil fuels and the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from burning these fuels have attracted international concerns owing to the adverse effects on the environment. The use of fossil fuels results in the emission of carbon dioxide, and 65 percent of the total carbon monoxide emissions come from industrial processes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (2017), the emission of carbon monoxide as a result of using fossil fuels has increased significantly since 1970 by approximately 90 percent. China tops the list of the largest emitter of carbon dioxide from the consumption of fossil fuels (Environmental Protection Agency, 2017). The infrastructures that are dependent on fossil fuels across the globe are necessary for supporting economic growth, links people to services, and improves productivity. Therefore, an initial investment in these infrastructures is significantly important. It is, however imperative that the designing, building, and maintenance of these infrastructures is carried out in a manner that can enable them to withstand future changes in climate.
Regulations play an important part in helping organizations adapt to climate change. Adaptation involves helping companies, individuals, and organizations to deal with the consequences of climate change, which are unavoidable. Such adaptations can include gradual transformations with many small steps over a period of time or major rapid transformation. According to Maddocks (2012), the regulatory frameworks greatly influence how infrastructure will be able to survive the effects of climate change and the degree to which these frameworks foster adaptation. Regulating bodies play an important role by funding arrangements for adaptation costs, establishing the legal architecture for emerging mechanisms in the market, and reducing exposure to climate hazards using regulations. The market mechanisms should be able to dynamically and flexibly account for the risks associated with climate change by identifying efficient means of resource allocation, which are influenced by climate change, and those that require less government intervention (Maddocks, 2012). The regulations also offer management plans and other periodically reviewed service delivery plans associated with the management to ensure that the issues related to climate changes are add...
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