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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Three Students Comments Criticism Seriously

Essay Instructions:

the question and students post are added in text citation no materials old than 10 years schaually comments I have no articles to add the three students are Acott, Ashley, and Rachel please put the name by the student so I will know who comment it is thank yo


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Student Comments
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According to Scott, licensed professionals are among the best people in the world. They answer the questions of the student promptly and help him gain more knowledge. They are quick at providing guidelines and take criticism seriously (Rubinstein, 2016). However, the one thing this student is concerned about is that none of the licensed professionals has accepted that Scott is actually learning something. The supervisor gets involved in all of the uncertain situations and helps Scott apply his knowledge to his clients equally and appropriately. Technically speaking, it is his supervisor who is teaching him something, not the licensed professionals.
Ashley is of the view that the licensed professionals at her site are welcoming and have proved their worth with time. They have taught the student how to set certain limits while practicing, and she respects and values their opinions and suggestions (Medalia et al., 2017). Ashley already ha...
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