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Equality for All Gender and The Rights of Women

Essay Instructions:

Around 300 words Each response paper must include three parts: I. Zelwls summarizing the' (main argument)  "" fhe ttingsai=1:  • Do h10.1. spend all 400 words summarizing the readings (you will not get full taxa.lit for your response paper if you do Introduce the readings in the •how to identify thesis statements: http://wntinecenter.haruch.cuny.edu.nline-resouree,writing-guid./analysis.and-argomentr 2. ...tfthonghtful response to each reading. Your response can include a discussion • What values) does the author promote? How do they define those value(s)? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Response
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
Reading#1: Sojourner Truth (1797-1883): Ain't I A Woman?
Summarizing the Thesis (Main Argument)
In Ain’t I A Woman, Sojourner argues about the inequalities and problems that blacks and women had to face in America.
Response to the Reading
After reading the text, I understood that the speech has a powerful message and that all of us should respect and value human beings, without any discrimination. The first woman God created and sent to this world seems to have enough capabilities and skills to change the fate of this planet, but today’s women are not given as many rights as they actually deserve.
Discussion Question
Should not be men and women given equal rights?
Reading#2: The Combahee River Collective Statement
Summarizing the Thesis (Main Argument)
The Combahee River Collective Statement highlighted that the white feminist movement was not adequately addressing their specific needs.
Response to the Reading
The Combahee River Collective emphasizes the relationship of white feminists and Black males and sheds light on what were their queer experiences. In a positive manner...
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