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Six Students Comments Developmental Model Of Supervision

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there are 6 students comments three for 2-1 and 3 for 2-2 the questions are differents question is added for 2-1 & 2-2 the students are Scott, Rachel and Emily in text citations for all. students for 2-2 are Scott, Ashley and Rachel I have no articles

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2-1 Comments
Scott is of the view that the developmental model of supervision is far better than the others and this is commonly used at his site. The model is based on the idea that a person has to learn new things, meaning learning is an ongoing process that never comes to an end. Therapists or counselors also need to learn new things every day, and the student likes this model since it offers a chance to gain more knowledge (Borgne-Sanchez & Fromenty, 2018).
According to Rachel, an integrative approach to supervision is a good one. The supervisor often meets students and responds to their queries as soon as possible. The student considers his supervisor one of the best since she shares a clear idea regarding the research (Kelly et al. 2010).
At Emily’s practicum site, the counselor uses a developmental approach for supervision. She lets students learn new things and is ready to answer their questions. Issues related to clients, documentation, and therapy sessions are openly discussed (Borgne-Sanchez & Fromenty, 2018).
2-2 Comments
Scott has always been open to constructive criticism sin...
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