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What Are The Effects Of Multiculturalism On Ones Identity?

Essay Instructions:

Major Written Assignment: First Term 10%

Write an essay (combination of research and opinion) of 800 words on one of the following topics, using evidence from the stories and articles in the kit, and 2 other research sources (one book, one scholarly journal article). Use APA style in-text referencing for all sources (e.g. direct quotes, paraphrases, ideas, statistics) that you cite in your paper. Include all citations in a separate reference page at the back of your essay, also in APA style. You need a cover page as well.

  1. What are the effects of multiculturalism on one’s identity? That is, does being a “hyphenated Canadian” result in a lack of identity (a sense of not belonging to either your native culture
  1. Does Canada’s multiculturalism policy increase opportunities for minorities, or does it reinforce stereotypes about minorities and isolate them from real power in Canadian society? Argue with regard to Bissoondath's arguments in "The Simplification of Culture."


This paper will be done through a writing process in class and out of class. You will write parts of your paper in class and report to me on your progress. Thesis statement should be approved by me initially.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Canadian society is ethnically as well as culturally diverse. Among the main policy deliberations to this effect is the policy of multiculturalism that was enacted in the 1970s. Multiculturalism has been recognized officially under the Canadian law but it remains to be a controversial and widely debated concerns. Multiculturalism and its impact on the identity of a “hyphenated Canadian,” as well as the effect regarding the opportunities for minorities shall be discussed in the essay.
Response to Question 1
The policy Multiculturalism was developed to ensure that the Canadian nationals can embrace their identity and enjoy a sense of belonging. Acceptance accords Canadians a sense of self-confidence and security thus making them welcoming to people of diverse cultures. The policy on multiculturalism played an essential role in encouraging racial, ethical, and cross-cultural harmony. The policy resulted in the development of similar attitudes. Both the “hyphenated Canadian” and the native Canadians respect the legal and political process, and they result to constitutional approaches to address their issues. Multiculturalism helps in eliminating the concept of “hyphenated Canadian” by identifying the ability of all the citizens, urging them to integrate into the Canadian society and engage themselves in political, social, cultural, and, economic affairs (Koleth, 2010).
All the citizens of Canada have assured equality under the law, and they enjoy equal access to opportunities despite their origins. The law in the country takes into account the diversity in the country by cultural heritage, religion, place of origin, and race. It also recognizes the right the right to self-expression, belief, peaceful assembly and association. The Canadian Constitution and the Charter of rights and freedoms assure the citizens of their freedom and dignity. Multiculturalism has contributed to a higher rate of naturalization in the country (Mistry, 2011).
Immigrants are free to choose to stick to their citizenship since they are under no pressure whatsoever to assimilate and lose their way of life. Once they become Canadian citizens, they enjoy elemental values of democracy similar to the Native Canadians. Their rights and freedoms as individuals are protected, and they need not fear to conform to group pressures. The diversity in the country is a national asset. Recent technological innovations have resulted in efficient international communication. Canadians who are fluent in different dialects and familiar with different cultures make the country competitive in areas ...
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