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HLS 6060 Wiki Rubric: The DHS Strategic Plan

Essay Instructions:

(Please separate the answer to each question) As a group, use the wiki to compare and contrast the 3 Homeland Security Strategies you read in Week 3: DHS Strategic Plan, Texas, and Massachusetts. What do they have in common? Where do they differ? What circumstances, revenue differences, or concerns are influencing these strategies? Each member of the group should contribute to your final summary. Citations are not necessary- I am looking for thought and analysis. Your final wiki answer will need to be clear and readable as a whole- work together as a group to clean up all of your information included to present your analysis.

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HLS 6060 Wiki Rubric
Institution of affiliation
HLS 6060 Wiki Rubric
The DHS Strategic Plan, Texas, and Massachusetts strategic plan relate to Homeland security. Where all these strategies have similar strategies albeit phrased differently. The DHS strategic plan goals include; preventing terrorism, preventing acquisition of weapons by unauthorized persons and protection of the nation’s key infrastructure. The Massachusetts strategic goals include; preventing terror, responding to acts of violence, nature, terrorism that wreak havoc and integrating the homeland security system into the governance structure of the state. The Texas strategic plan goals are; to prevent terrorism, reduce vulnerability to natural disasters, criminal and terror acts, and prepare a response mechanism to any of these threats.
The DHS strategic plan is national in nature. Noting, that its influence and jurisdiction extends to the whole of the United States territories and economic interest abroad. This is in contrast to the Texas and Massachusetts strategic plans that apply to the specific states. The DHS strategic plan objective is to ensure the safety of all United States citizens and interests. The Texas plan aims to keep the people and the State of Texas safe. The Massachusetts plan aims to protect the commonwealth and people of Massachusetts. The DHS strategic plan was created in part to fulfill the requirements of the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (P. L. 111-352) and the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Circular A-11, Part 6 (2013). The Massachusett...
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