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Economics of Workplace Health Initiatives: Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

(1500 words) (30%)

Identify an intervention that addresses a disability prevention and management issue that has the potential to improve outcomes for workers and the organization. For this assignment, undertake a search of peer reviewed and grey literature that investigates the effectiveness of the intervention. This assignment is not meant to be a comprehensive search of the literature. Rather, identify five studies that you think are good studies. Prepare a write up of the evidence based on these studies and indentify the following:

the issue being addressed by the intervention,

the nature of the intervention,

the findings from the studies,

your assessment of the quality of the studies,

an overall synthesis of the impact of the intervention, including magnitudes if possible.

Length expectation: 1,500 words not including title page, appendices, and references (APA format) with 25% leeway over or under (1125-1875 words). Submitted assignments outside this range may be docked marks depending on the discretion of the professor.

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Economics of Workplace Health Initiatives
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Economics of Workplace Health Initiatives
Disability prevention and management are some of the key aspects in the creation of a conducive work environment. Employers need to ensure that workers are in their best health to ensure that they can effectively execute their duties. In the event where an accident has occurred, leaving the victim physically disabled, it becomes challenging for them to meet the organizational goals. As well, if the employee works from an environment where disability management is not a priority, it might not be easy to meet work targets. Therefore, organizations need to ensure that they have an effective plan for disability prevention and management. One of the most effective plans is laying strategies to ensure a safe work environment. Therefore, this paper will focus on various studies that address the intervention strategy of preventing ana managing disability.
Disability prevention involves the comparison of a worker’s restrictions to a preinjury job. If the two do not match, then another employee is allocated the job. Such minimizes the chances of an injury occurring. In turn, the employees would not face a disability that could affect their ability to meet the organizational goals. Disability management involves matching the job requirement for the employee’s restrictions. The job is then allocated to the best fit employee. The disabled employee is allowed to perform tasks best suited to them. In the case of a complex work environment, it is necessary to have effective communication channels in place. Such communication would help in the prevention of errors that could result in injuries among the employees (White et al. 2016). The study indicates that if effective communication is implemented in the workplace, it will be easy to create a conducive work environment. A conducive work environment is key to preventing injuries that could result in disability. It also helps manage existing disabilities since employees will only be allocated tasks that are not beyond their restrictions.
Workplace disability has become a common aspect in most organizations. Given the current technological advancements, people operating machines are prone to having accidents that could result in disability. Hence, there is a need to lay down strategies that would help prevent such accidents from occurring. Regardless of the organization's size, the management team should ensure that employees follow all the set guidelines to prevent such accidents from happening. The study indicates that setting up labor laws and regulations can play a substantial role in minimizing the number of accidents that could result in disability. The labor laws could also help in disability management by ensuring that employees are only allocated the tasks they can handle (Ekberg et al. 2016). As well, disability prevention and management intervention strategies should be designed regarding the various work patterns. As a result, every organization would accommodate its employees by creating a conducive work environment.
Workplace disability prevention and management are among the organizational aspects that should be given priority. In the case where employees are prone to accidents that could result in disability, it is challenging for them to effectively meet the organizational goals due to fear. Therefore, it is necessary for organizations to eliminate such fear by laying down strategies to prevent or manage disability. The most important part of such strategies is evaluating its effectiveness. The management needs to know how effective the strategies are as a way of creating a conducive work environment. The effectiveness of disability prevention and management strategies is measured by evaluating employees' productivity since the strategies were implemented (Young et al. 2016). In the case where employees attest to a conducive work environment and show an improvement in productivity, it means that the strategies have been effective. However, if accidents continue to happen, and employees living with disabilities continue to complain about an inconducive work environment, the strategies need to be changed. The intervention methods depend on the type of work disability facing the employees. Each disability requires a unique intervention.
Terminating an individual’s employment as a result of an injury that occurred within the work premises is considered unethical. In the case where the employee can perform lighter tasks, the organization is expected to allocate them such tasks. The management team is also expected to lay down str...
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