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Effects of Human Trafficking to Indigenous People: An Article analysis

Essay Instructions:


Using the article provided above, Provide a three page (APA style) critical analysis about the news piece addressing the following:

Who wrote the piece and how informative is it?

Whose voices are included and whose are left out?

What are the underlying political positions/values/biases within the piece?

What are your reactions to it? What questions come up for you?

Evaluate and explain your own personal prejudice, attitude and beliefs and how this may potentially impact your interactions with Indigenous peoples and communities;

As an advocate/ally working with Indigenous peoples and communities, what areas could you improve on which demonstrate that you have the skills required to provide future clients with the highest standard of practice and service?


Appropriate terms for Indigenous Peoples and communities

Appropriate capitalization of those terms

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Trafficking Article Analysis
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Human Trafficking Article Analysis
The article “Human trafficking survivor says Indigenous women and girls, especially at risk,” is written by Rhiannon Johnson, an Anishinaabe female journalist in Toronto. The journalist focuses on Indigenous experiences and life all through Ontario. She is from Hiawatha First Nation and has been together with the Indigenous section since 2017. The article is very informative because it contains the experience of an indigenous woman who encountered sexual exploitation from a tender age and still faced human trafficking. Human trafficking is a significant issue of concern that has resulted in women's and girls' death and suffering, especially those from Indigenous communities who are at a higher risk of facing violence (Johnson, 2019). Human trafficking is pervasive but has mainly been hidden in Canada as Indigenous females get incredibly affected.
The article contains voices of human trafficked and sexually exploited survivors. Bridget Perrier tells her story about her painful experience of sexual exploitation and makes matters worse; she is an Indigenous woman who had to hide that fact to avoid being killed or treated violently. The voices left out by this article include those of the police officers accused of not taking any action to help and protect Indigenous women and girls from any form of violence, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking (Johnson, 2019). The article also leaves out the voices of the people responsible for performing these dreadful acts.
The underlying political bias within this piece is seen becaus...
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