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Reflection Paper: Reduced Revenues

Essay Instructions:

This is an assignment for a social work class(social work is not sociology)

Read the required reading for this week (class #7 2020/10/27) and write a reflection paper (3 pages) on one or two of the readings. you can find the readings for this week and the detailed requirements of the reflection paper in the syllabus.

I will attach the syllabus in files. please read the syllabus carefully.

I will also attach a sample essay from week 3 for you to refer.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper for A Social Work Course
Reflection Paper for A Social Work Course
Social workers are an essential part of society. They help in tasks that others cannot do, hence bringing about the critical meaning to life. It is vital to note that ordinary people cannot perform certain things, but social workers have played the role they were educated for. Further, it is worth noting that social workers are prone to challenges in their field placement. Some of the challenges include reduced revenues, challenges towards technology advancement, and increased demand of their services.
Reduced revenues are one of the challenges social workers face when they are placed in their field of work. They earn enough amounts to sustain themselves when they are within their centers of education. At the same time, there are things where money has to be used by the social workers while they are given special education (Dodd, 2007). Once social workers are taken to their field, they are prone to many challenges that require money to solve. Moreover, there are no chances to make too much money because their tasks are limited. For that reason, social workers have reduced revenues as they cannot get funding or alternative sources of income.
Increased demand for services is another challenge that faces social workers. In many instances, social workers are placed in the field, and are overwhelmed by work. Social workers can be sent to many places worldwide, which makes them feel as if they are giving too much beyond their ability. Besides, it is also worth noting that social workers have to play their part in serving the nation. However, the many tasks make it hard for them to perform (Reamer, 2018). Additionally, the community demands too much from them, an issue that gives them minimal time to rest. A community where social workers have been sent to serve believes that only social workers can serve and give their best. Any communal task is given to social workers since they believe they are the ones to offer certain services.
Advancement in technology is another thing that is faced by social workers. Learning trends keep on changing from time to time. Traditional ways of doing work have changed, and for that reason, social workers have to upgrade their ways of working. Once in the field, social workers ar...
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