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Health and Well-Being: More than the Individual

Essay Instructions:
Final Essay – 25% Due in tutorial By using the resources offered in the course (readings, movies, lectures and tutorial discussion), build on your essay outline and write 6-7 page, double-spaced, 12pt font, critical essay, plus one page bibliography and one title page. No outside source is required for this assignment. You must have a bibliography and it must name the style guide you have employed (i.e. MLA / APA / Turabian). □ Paper Length 6-7 pages, plus one title page and one page bibliography, all stapled □ Times New Roman 12pt font □ Left Justified □ Double Spaced □ 1 inch page margins □ Page numbers in bottom right hand corner □ Use Footnotes (do not include footnotes in your word count) □ Include a works cited/bibliography section Critical Essay Guideline: An additional guideline on this assignment is posted on the blackboard. Please use these sources: 1) Adie Nelson, Gender in Canada. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, pp. 46-51 2) Michael S. Kimmel, and Michael A. Messner eds. Men's Lives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998, pp. 453-472 3) Michael S. Kimmel, and Michael A. Messner eds. Men's Lives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998, pp. 345-361 The above 3 articles and the next is a text book : Micheal S. Kimmel, Amy Aronson, and Amy Kale, eds. The Gendered Society Reader: Second Canadian Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Use pages: 1-26, 109-120, 132-140, 59-72, Please contact me at if you have any troubles.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health and Well-Being: More than the Individual
(Your Name)
The hard sciences have always been the realm wherein health and well-being has been studied, such as biology; human health has constantly been seen as a product of human biological nature. The different studies such as sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, and psychoanalytic theory tried to explain sex and gender differences through different terms on particular aspects of biology. There has been little account on how dominant gender organizations, roles and behaviors influence human health and well-being, until now. First, it will focus on how dominant gender organizations were created. Then this study will then dwell on how health and well-being can be shaped by the different dominant gender organizations, roles and behaviors present in the society.[Various theories argue that gender behavior is ultimately a product of human biological nature (Nelson, 2006).] [(Nelson, 2006)]
Health and well-being does not only involve one gender, but involve the entirety of the human race. To study the influence of gender organization, its roles and behaviors, is to study as well how these gender organizations came to be. There was a period when humanity believed that men were superior to women which built patriarchal societies. Dominant gender organizations, for a time, were mostly held by men that led to the dictation of roles and behaviors for the society. Different studies have emerged to explain how these dominant gender organizations came into existence; some say it was created thru the biological construction of humanities` genes others say it is through the events of socialization, gender discrimination, and other forms of social control that are responsible for differences. Rather than dwell on the arguments of the two different views, this study will use the different results of the different studies to explain the influence of dominant gender organizations, roles and behaviors to the health and well-being of man.[Ibid.]
Dominant gender organizations have long been present. They have always been influential not only to those who are within the organization, but as well as to those that are outside these organizations. Coming back to the topic on how dominant gender organizations influence health and well-being, this paper will now look at how male dominant gender organizations make their influence; followed by how female gender organizations influence as well.
During the earlier periods of humanity, societies were believed to be patriarchal in nature. Certainly, a belief that your gender is above the other will have an effect on how you perceive and go through with your life. Men were in a dangerous situation having believed that their gender is stronger from women. They were put into certain health and well-being issues that took lives of men. Men had higher rates of mortality and morbidity compared to women. Issues of men pertaining to men`s health and well-being differ from every man. Unlike to popular belief that men fall under just one category, there are different categories that create varying effects to the different men. Within the gender of men, there were competing masculinities. Some were dominant while others were marginalized and some were also stigmatized; every category had a respective structural, psychosocial, and cultural connections. The differences ranged from adolescent males, men of color, gay and bisexual male, prison inmates, and male athletes to name a few.[Male dominance of society is simply "an inevitable resolution of the psychophysiological reality." (Nelson, 2006)] [Aspects of traditional masculinity can be dangerous to men`s health (Sabo, 1998, p. 347).] [(Sabo, 1998, p. 347)] [Ibid.]
In adolescent males, the effect of traditional masculine beliefs led to a detrimental effect on their lives. Adolescent males were much more inclined to be suspended from school, drinking, and the use of drugs, frequency of arrests, and more inclined to sexual acts relating to deception. Health and well-being of adolescent males became aggravated due to pre-existing dominant gender organizations which shaped their roles and behaviors in a twisted way. Instead of bringing benefits to society, adolescent males were getting into trouble more.[Ibid.]
With the men of color, economic inequality can be the main attribute related to the study of men`s health and well-being. Majority of the African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans are disproportionately poor. The roles and behaviors of these men have been shaped by society in a way that these men live a life wherein it is placed in a position that is more dangerous. Health is threatened by a higher exposure to toxic substances, a polluted environment, and the worry of getting their basic needs while their well-being is exposed to crimes. Compared to other Americans, the American of color have to face marginalization and discrimination which results into further decline of health and well-being due to lack of necessary treatment from other people.[Ibid.] [Ibid.]
Other men are also put under the test of discrimination such as gays and bisexuals, and prison inma...
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