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Hypothetical Results and Presenting a Coherent Proposal

Essay Instructions:
Hypothetical Results and Presenting a Coherent Proposal The proposal includes these sections: a) Introduction; b) Literature Review, c) Hypotheses, d) Method, and e) Hypothetical Results. The Hypothetical Results section must: a) be 500 words in length, b) describe the predicted result of each analysis proposed in the Method section, c) use the results to determine whether the research hypotheses are confirmed or not, d) present the final answer to the main research question posed in the introduction and/or literature review, and e) evaluate the conclusion against the existing literature. 1.)Stress in the United States in the workplace among employees and employers 2.) Literature Review and Rationale of Proposed Study: Stress management in the United States workplaces between employees and employers 3.)Formulate Hypothesis/Hypotheses Based on the Existing Literature: (use the results to determine whether the research hypotheses are confirmed or not present the final answer to the main research question posed in the introduction and/or literature review) Levels of stress among Americans have tremendously increased over the recent past, especially among the people in various workplaces. This has been attributed mostly by the workplace conditions that have continued to make lives of many Americans more strenuous. 4.) Method: (describe the predicted result of each analysis proposed in the Method section) to the extent the employers selecting to implemented strategies to manage work related stress and which strategies have enabled the employers to reduce the work related stress on their employees; individuals between the ages of 20 to over 55 years of age in the workplace dealing with stress: population of interest will be would be between 150 and 250 individual in five different organization, recruiting strategy would be to lessen stress among employees and employers in the workplace, training and retraining younger workers in their 20's and older workers in their 50's and helping them learn better technique in the organization to handle stress and help them be more productivity. According to researcher older individual are more committed than younger workers, and younger people have more stress. The recruiting strategy is discovering away so that the young and old employees can have a stress free work environment. the size of my population would be the individuals in the age groups in their 20's and the older individuals in their 50's and older. This will be done to see what determine what cause stress in both groups and what to do in order to help them get rid of the stress and learn how to work and be productivity. What is the predominant research design and methodology in the literature of your chosen topic? How is your proposed study similar or different from the literature in design and methodology? 5.) Conclusion: Hypothetical Results and Presenting a Coherent Proposal: present the final answer to the main research question posed in the introduction and/or literature review, and evaluate the conclusion against the existing literature.
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Hypothetical Results and Presenting a Coherent Proposal
Workplace stress is very common in most of the working environments both in the US and outside the US. Usually there is a lot of pressure coming from the employers to the employees on how they need to perform their functions. This is one of the main causes of stress in the work place. Stress has several impacts in the life of the organization (Bittel, 2004). There is need to have proper stress management skills in order to protect individuals from health risks while at the same time ensuring that the productivity of an organization is upheld.
During the study, we formulated two hypotheses and the main function of this research study was to determine whether both the null and the positive hypothesis were viable/could be applied. The study was aimed at proving the positive hypothesis and then dismissing the null hypothesis.
Positive hypothesis
Work place stress contribute greatly to dismal performance of the organization
Null hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the stress received by young workers and the stress received by the older workers.
After carrying out the research and conducting interviews on various employees and employers, the results were tabulated and then grouped depending on the effects of stress at the work place. Most respondents were for the opinion that stress is rampant at the work place. Stress at work place is usually propagated by the employers who expect a lot from their employees. Some of the expectations are however unrealistic.
The results obtained can then be summarized as follows. US workplace...
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