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Child and Youth Care

Essay Instructions:
Child and Youth Care With this assignment you have an opportunity to learn more about an area of CYC practice that interests you. In Module 1, you were introduced to many different settings and contexts within which CYC is practiced. Refer to the reference material and websites in Module 1 and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained in this course so far about CYC practice settings. Select one area of practice or setting that you are interested in. This could be a direct area of practice (i.e., working directly with young people and families such as in school-based CYC) and/or an indirect area of practice (i.e., working on behalf of young people, families and communities to improve care or conditions such as in policy analysis, program development or advocacy). For your assignment, you will prepare a paper of approximately 6 typed, double-spaced pages, plus references. Your paper will be informed by conducting an interview with a CYC practitioner and, secondarily, by reviewing literature related to your chosen area of CYC practice. In addition to summarizing the results of the interview, your paper must include references to at least course readings and to two additional relevant articles, chapters or credible websites. You will cover the following topics within your paper: Describe who might be served within this area of practice/setting (e.g., ages, characteristics, needs, family status, legal status, life circumstances, etc). Where does the practice take place? What is the context for practice? Describe the typical roles and functions that CYC practitioners in this area might fulfill. Describe at least three different processes or approaches that might be used by a CYC practitioner in their work with or for young people in this area of practice/setting. What are the primary goals or intentions of the processes (i.e., purpose)? What outcomes are desired in this area of practice/setting (i.e., what will happen, what will be different as a result of the work)? Does this area of practice reflect an ecological perspective? Why or why not? Based on your preliminary understanding, how does this area of practice reflect the strength-based and developmental perspectives? Your completed assignment should consist of approximately 1500 words, or 6 pages (double spaced, typed, 12 pt font), plus references. You are expected to reference course materials and readings (including readings from your course readings package, online readings and referenced websites), using APA Style Guidelines. You will summarize the results of your interview in no more than 500 words (two double-spaced pages). The remainder of your paper should be dedicated to exploring the questions above, from your perspective. You must include the name, position and agency of the CYC practitioner you consulted and provide a list of the interview questions as an Appendix. Save your assignment as either a Word or RTF document with the filename "Assignment2-yourname" and submit it to the instructor using the assignment tool located on the left navigation bar in your course website. Grading Criteria: Content (15 marks) Addresses each of the six questions: who is served, context, roles and functions of CYC workers, processes and approaches used, desired outcomes, perspectives. Interview conducted with practitioner in this area of practice, supported by references to at least two course readings and two additional sources. Integrates course reading materials and discussions. Presentation (10 marks) Structure of paper and presentation of material is clear, logical and congruent. Introduction provides a succinct overview of the intention and structure of the paper. Conclusion clearly summarizes the main points/findings. Spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, pagination, punctuation and clarity of writing are at a 1st year University level. References in text and in bibliography are complete and according to APA standards
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child and Youth Care
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Child and youth Care
At the beginning, we are going to focused on what diversity means. Diversity refers to the different range existing among people. This means that all human being are diverse as they belong to different cultures, as well as, groups. People identities may be defined by their age, race, gender, religion and sexual orientation, as well as, other, several factors.
As a result, there is nothing inherently bad or good concerning the difference as it is normally what we make of it. Regarding proper guidance, in the right environment, differences can help our lives. Lack of proper leadership can result in differences that can exclude and even cast people to the margins of society. In society, the cost of exclusion covers youth and children who feel social isolated or emotionally upset and who are most likely to be able to achieve and learn to their full potential, in either school or in their life (Keeney, 1983).
In most cases, youth and Children in residential care places come from different backgrounds and posses a multitude of basic needs. Several of young people are faced with abuse, neglect, family dysfunction, emotional distress, as well as failure in several domains of their life. Some of these burdens are expressed in behavioral difficulties, and social situations surrounding their family, community and classroom. As a result, the educated youth workers strive to perform their duties with the youth together with their family by means of giving supportive relationship to solve those problems. This in most cases is aimed at obtaining more satisfying level of performance, as well as personal competence.
Additionally, the accelerated programs are made to prepare the motivated and mature individuals for a career working with a large range of troubled young people. In most cases, child worker is enlightened to recognize and address the emotional and social needs of youth and adolescents and is also concerned with the total family, individual, rehabilitation and education.
During this process of child and youth care, the practice normally takes place in different occasions. Youth and child care practices takes place within the context of the community. As a result, it is important that practitioners establish reflective skills. This should not only be in relation to their client and the organizational context in which they are employed, but also in relation to their presence within a community and the community`s perception of the practitioner`s presence (Yapko, 1988).
The main function of community within youth and child care practices is expressed in relation to the professional matters that can occur for practitioners. In other alternative, it is discussed that practitioners applies and contributes to the communities in which they perform duties. As a result, active involvement with communities will require the practitioner to be informed of the implications of their presence with respect to power, culture, as well as, community conventions.
In addition, the possibility of widening the function of the practitioner to meet the need of the community capacity building is also explored. Youth and child care practice is ideally expressed to add proactively to community capacity as in most community capacity issues are very much related to living with youth and children.
Child and youth care practices is delivered for its central function in the midst of a myriad of managerial, administrative, bureaucratic, program obligations and organizational. While adequate personal qualifications may be essential prerequisites, the actual performance, the practice of care, is what is considered. As a result, substance of the young person care practice is conceptualized in three main work spheres. This comprises of direct, supportive and attachment formation effort, as well as contextual practice effort. The last work sphere is the teaching of the required basic life skills (Peterson, 1988).
In the sphere of child and youth care, the practitioner posses several typical functions which he/she must fulfill. They work to improve the emotional, physical, social and intellectual development of vulnerable families, children, as we as youth. They work with youth who are temporarily housed in government, agencies, private home, treatment centers, as well as being involved in community youth programs, early intervention program, and recreational programs.
Child and youth practitioner implement strategies like coordinated treatment interventions, planned daily activities, social and organized recreational activities, and structured environments. They as well develop trusting and meaningful one to one relationships with children, youth and families. Practitioner`s assists families and indivi...
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