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Documentary 3 Response: Another Justice (Introduction to Criminology)

Essay Instructions:
Documentary 3: Another Justice. Documentary Responses should be complete in detail, in your own words. Your response should be at least one page in length (-10 pts if not) and include: 1. A complete summary of the documentary (50 pts) 2. a critique of the documentary (25 pts) and 3. Suggestions for future policy or practices to address the issues and concerns illustrated in the documentary (25 pts) To access documentary: https://vimeo(dot)com/ondemand/anotherjustice?autoplay=1 Login details: ASK SUPPORT you also have 7 hours not 6, but if can finish earlier would be appreciated.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Documentary 3 Response: Another Justice (Introduction to Criminology) Name: Institution: Course: Instructor: Date: Documentary 3 Response: Another Justice (Introduction to Criminology) Summary of the Documentary The documentary “Another Justice” by Chloe Henry-Biabaud and Isabelle Vayron de la Moureyre generally focuses on the new concept of restorative justice. Using case examples, such as Agnes, a mistress and grandmother who is seeking healing and meaning after the tragic murders of her daughter and grandson, the documentary highlights the community's overall understanding of restorative justice. Agnes, despite the horrible loss of two children, writes to the man, Leonard, who is serving a life sentence for their murders, in search of comfort and healing. What comes out clearly through the many case examples highlighted in the documentary is that restorative justice is founded on the model of forgiveness, whereby those impacted by crime and those perpetrating crime come together to identify the impacts of the crime, causes, and forge a pathway towards healing while seeking to prevent any other similar occurrence. Agnes and Leonard even though limited by courts, communicate through letters through which come to terms with the truth about what happened. Conversations help them explore the possibility of restorative justice, a model that not only focuses on prevention but also brings together victims and offenders to address harm and promote healing. By following the tale of A...
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