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Divorce Education Curriculum, Divorce Professionals

Essay Instructions:

First read topic: Consider the following new divorce law of state X, in an effort to alleviate the trauma of divorce for children" "no-fault divorce will apply only to couples with no children. If the marital couple has a child/children both spouses must complete a 16-hour divorce education curriculum. After completing the classes, parents will need to wait an additional 8 months before they are permitted to file for divorce, a period that may serve as an opportunity for reflection and reconciliation.

Question : would you support or oppose state x's new divorce law"

My answer: I support it.

NOW read my peers response to topic:

I would absolutely support State X's new divorce law. I personally fall into the category of belief that many times people choose divorce prematurely. We live in a world that often times promotes “being happy” as the highest priority, and therefore during seasons when your spouse may not contribute to your happiness as well as others, we look to society which tells us to move on and seek a divorce; that your spouse is no longer living up to their “duty”. Take all of that and include children who have no choice in the matter and simply subject to whatever their parents decide, I think the hypothetical divorce law is even more important. I believe that children need stability and divorce provides anything but stability. I'm not saying that a household full of hostility is right either; my point is that once you choose to have children, you have the responsibility to put your feelings aside and fight for the best life for them.

I think 16 hours of divorce curriculum would be valuable because that would allow people to understand all possible outcomes and adjustments to family life in the event that they proceed with a divorce. Even more so, taking 8 months to really think about the decision of divorce is a positive thing because hastily pursuing a divorce can cause great regret and disruption to family life. Sometimes, people just need time to realize that the best things take work. In this case, marriage requires two people to selflessly communicate, collaborate, and grow even in the hard times. This time of reflection and hopefully reconciliation can help couples come back even stronger after that time period.

Overall, I think this “new law” would help couples really weigh the impacts of choosing divorce and perhaps help avoid that. If after the contingencies couples still believe divorce is the best route, then it is still available for them. The conditions and timeframe would allow spouses to work together to reach a conclusion that would be best for their children and themselves.

What you write: tell what you liked/agree, while expanding or clarifying specific points made by my peer. Offer additional argument to support a position taken in the answer. If you don't understand or think they applied incorrectly then write about it. You may disagree as well but be respectful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional affiliation
I agree with my peers’ support for the State X’s new divorce law. According to divorce professionals more often than not, one or both individuals are rarely ready for a divorce. The situation occasions due to couples operating on the assumptions that the sooner they get divorced, the better it will be for them. Moreover, the pressure one gets from family and friends to get out of a dysfunctional relationship also causes couples to get into this process unprepared. Thus, they plunge themselves in a process they have not thought through, they fail to account for their feelings and weigh their options. Consequencing in them facing an emotional, financial and complicated legal battle that they are not prepared to handle. Therefore, the law would be sensible here to help couples adapt and be ready for the process.
Just as my peers argue, most couples choose divorce hastily. Therefore, an education process will contribute to making divorce become real to them and offering alternative options of solving their concerns before settling at divorce. Many couples make the decision out of the feelings that their relationship does not make them happy anymore, or they face various challenges that they feel are unwarranted. However, with this law, a couple becomes aware that relationships are not perfect and that developing a lasting and productive relationship requires communication and a desire to deal with conflicts and extensive work for both parties to achieve satisfaction. Therefore, in an eight-month period, a couple would have the opportunity to weigh and reflect on their actions, their culpability towards the failure of the marriage and make an informed decision.
The new law p...
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