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Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar

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Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar

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Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar
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Without sea ice there is no life for the polar bears, this is because their lives depend on the temperature that can only be available in polar climatic condition. Due to global warming that has led to the climatic change in the Arctic region, it has resulted into reduction of in the total area that is covered and in the thickness of sea ice that is available in the polar basin. The climatic warming has led to the reduction in the population of polar bears in the Eastern of Canadian Arctic as reported by the Inuit hunters. This report further confirms that only a fifth of the similar ecology that has not experienced any change in the population of polar bears. A lot of bears have only been spotted near the settlements that have got open waters in the recent past. Although there have increase in the number of bears near open waters in the recent past, but it is projected that there will be reduction in the population of bears in areas such as Western Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay in the long run (Stirling & Parkinson, 2006). The possible reason why there is high population of polar bears near the cost and open waters is that they are probably looking for alternative prey because seals that they are largely depending for food are not available in open waters. According to Post eta (2009), bears can only survive on the coastal region depending on the fats that is stored in the body before free-up. When it started to freeze up again, they rush back to the sea ice the moment the fats in their body are depleted. Wassmann (2011) is of the opinion that as the climatic warming increases the population of the bears will decline due lack of food. It is therefore advised that precautionary measures be taken to control climatic warming to save the population of the selected polar bears from becoming extinct.
Analysis of the Effects of Climatic Warming on the Selected Population of Bears
Climatic warming has indeed exposed polar bears to greater danger of disappearing from earth. This is because there changes in the preferred habitat for polar bears which is the sea ice as a result of climatic warming , this will affect polar bears in a great way because there will be reduction in the availability of their main prey which are seals. In addition to that, it is quite important to remember that, in the short run climatic warming will lead to the increase in the number of polar bears and seals as a result of improvement in their habitat by the climatic warming. However, in the long-run there will be reduction in the population of polar bears. For a start, the reduction in the availability of sea ice as they will have melted down and therefore there will be no ground for reproduction as their reproduction depends on the habitat that is offered by the sea ice. Furthermore, bears that are...
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