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The Topic 'Adolf Hitler Is A Hero' Is An Argument

Essay Instructions:

The topic is Adolf Hitler is a hero. It is an argument. The essay for ESP language class. I will give you the format. In the first paragraph, the first sentence should be Hook, then how people talking about Hitler. Then use the sentence pattern " Even though people saying Hitler is XXXX, I think he is XXX because...(three reasons)

Then the second, third and fourth paragraph should explain three reasons.

The last paragraph should is the conclusion.

So totally five paragraphs. I will give you and essay I have written, just follow the format as what the one I gave you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Adolf Hitler is a Hero
Adolf Hitler is a Hero
Adolf Hitler has been known for causing millions of deaths to people most of them Jewish, but on the other hand, he was revered as a man of courage, determination, vision and courage that accorded him heroic status. He left an indelible mark in history and altered its course through his actions and policies that resonated the world over. Hitler’s heroism has been overlooked and many fabricated conspiracy theories demonizing his stance and vision of making Germany great. Even though people say Hitler was evil, I think he was a hero because he stamped out usury perpetrated by the Jews in Germany, he raised Germany economy and rescued German culture from the pernicious einfluence of Jewish dominance.
Hitler rescued the economy of Germany and catapulted it into greatness despite many challenges. Hitler came to power shortly after the great depression of 1929 and Germany was hard hit by the economic meltdown. Many Germans were unemployed, and inflation effects stifled their efforts for economic recovery. German international trade terms were exploitative, and the economy was struggling with hyperinflation that had hit the country due to reckless monetary policies crafted and implemented by his predecessors. To put things in perspective, inflation in German was so high that a wheelbarrow of German billion notes denomination could only buy one loaf of bread. Hitler turned things around such that in 1928, unemployment in Germany was negligible. It took leadership, determination, courage and vision to fix the economy and stabilize it to ensure currency was a trusted means of exchange again. Albeit Jews lobbying with the international community to boycott German products, Hitler managed to fix German economy and put millions of Germans to work. He also implemented policies that increased Germanys GDP and GNP to rival top European economies.
Jews dominated Germany economy and culture before Hitler’s reign. One of the primary agendas of Hitler was to flush out the pernicious Jewish influence in Germany which was an attempt of last resort after he failed in negotiations. Before Hitler’s reign, Germans’ culture was on the verge of extinction in their land. Hitler even approached France to collectively design a plan to resettle German Jews in Madagascar and a transfer agreement with Zionists to create a homeland in PalestineCITATION Edw09 \l 1033 (Marton, 2011). German ...
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